So I got the call I was dreading today, clinic had me booked for sat for a 5DT but today they called to say our 3 embryos aren't looking good, aren't dividing how we would like them, possibly won't make it to day 5. To cut the long story short, after everything we discussed with them we decided to put 2 in today, in case they are better in than out, so for the first time im PUPO! The embryologists aren't optimistic at all but think there is a very small chance for us at least. π€πΌπ
2 embabies on board: So I got the call... - Fertility Network UK
2 embabies on board

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I just want to wish you all best of luck, and your embies are in the best place possible no matter what xxxx
Goodluck! X
Oh sweetie I know you must have very mixed feelings as I do. Our two embies that aren't looking great were put back
yesterday. It's hard as you are still hopeful but know that you must be realistic. We can wait the 2ww out together as it sounds like we're in very similar positions. I wish you the best of luck that your embies are much happier now they are back where Mother Nature intends. Sending you a big hug. xxx
Ahhhh, I just read your last post, we are similar aren't we, my third one also stopped doing anything. But you managed to get to 8 cells with them which is great ππΌ
We can help keep each other sane. At the moment, I feel quite at peace with it, like if it works then we will be amazed, and if it doesn't, I will have been expecting it. We got a tiny bit further than my first round which is great.
Saying that, I know what I'm like and I'll be wanting to pee on all the sticks I can find after a few days πππ
Lots of love xxx
Even slim chances can produce results. The embies are in the best environment now. Fingers and toes crossed for you x
Hey Orla, I know how devastating it can be to get this news! I was just saying to MrsC today that our embryologist said the grading is just that, just a grading!! He has seen babies born from poorer quality embryos and he said nobody can argue with that!! Good luck lovely!!xx
Fingers firmly crossed and wishing you all the luck in the world xx
Hey Orla, it's so upsetting to have your hopes dashed.
What I always think is who knows what ladies embryos look like on day 3 or 5 or 10 of a natural cycle. It has never been seen. They could look like a right dogs dinner.
They are back where they should be and I have everything crossed for you. Xx
Better in you than a dish! As my friend said to me when we had a day 2 transfer "at least you can tell your baby it was only outside you for 2 days"!xx
I have everything crossed for you Orla. They are where they are meant to be xxx
It's a lovely photo and here's hoping you can show it to them one day and tell them that's how they began. Sending you lots of luck xxx
Of course there is π Good luck for your tww xx
Wishing you lots of luck xx πππ
Wishing you sooooo much luck πππβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈXx
Hi Orla, just wanted to say good luck! πππ You see so many stories on here of top grade blasty's not working and "poor grades" giving bfp's. I wonder how much the grading really means at such an early stage. I told my embryologist I didn't want to know the grades of the two I had put back last week. They said they were good but not perfect....I thought I'd only worry and it would only be an extra thing to try and not Google! I just thought I'd let nature take its course and have already got further in the 2ww than I got last time (and that was a "perfect" embie!) Wishing u all the luck in the world xxx
Hope that everything will be ok for you.
Ask doctors what can you do, in your particular case, to increase the chances.
You should fight for them as much as possible.
Wishing you all the best lovely xxxxπ
Wishing you lots of luck and hoping they stick for you Xxx