I am on Day 5 of stims of IVF#2. I am on Fostimon this time. I have noticed that my boobs are itchy and sore and I think they are a little swollen....
Has anyone else had this?
I am on Day 5 of stims of IVF#2. I am on Fostimon this time. I have noticed that my boobs are itchy and sore and I think they are a little swollen....
Has anyone else had this?
I was on fostimon last year and I had the same feeling. Don't worry 😂
Yep I was on fostimon too and my boobs were big and sore and sensitive. They looked great though 😂I'm not blessed with a lot so it was a welcome change lol xx
Hi overtherainbow22. Oh dear! This is one of the more common side effects of using Fostimon. Hopefully it will subside once your body gets used to it, but can't be guaranteed. Hope everything goes to plan with this cycle. thinking of you. Diane