Hi my name is Becky
Myself and my partner have been together for 10 years and started trying for a baby over 3 years ago, last year we were offered nhs funded treatment and was told we would be undergoing icsi treatment due to my partners low sperm count, I also had low egg count and polosistic ovaries.
After many appointments we were given our first lot of injections and then 2nd lot of injections that we had to do every night along with scans etc, we then did our last injection at 11pm on Saturday 15th October, eggs were collected on Monday 17th October, we got 18!
Out of the 18, 15 fertilised and I had one embryo transferred on Thursday 20th October, out of the remaining 14, 3 made it to blastocyst stage and have been frozen.
We then had the 2 week wait, 1 week at home and the other we went to Dorset, today (Wednesday 2nd November) was test day and we had a negative result and I have now started bleeding.
As you can imagine we are both devastated, we were told that our embryo was beautiful and when it entered it attached straight to the wall which got our hopes up!
The hospital called me today to say we can have another go but not until the new year now and will cost anything from £950.
Did anybody else fail the first time? any advice will be much appreciated as at the moment I cannot think of anything else and whilst writing this my eyes are filled with tears!
I am at work today as I thought it would be the best thing to do sitting at home all day alone would have drove me insane!
By the way I am 27 and my partner 29.
Thank you x