Hi everyone don't know whats up with me but i definitely don't feel hopeful for next week so full of emotions can't stop crying on and off and now bunged up with a cold feel utter rubbish upset and scared definitely feel like my period is just waiting π£ sorry for depressing post just feel so down xx
Feeling very low and disheartened π’ - Fertility Network UK
Feeling very low and disheartened π’

Me too today. Sending you a giant virtual hug.
I understand how you feel and have felt like that on many occasions...
This blog is for the good and bad so don't feel bad for expressing your sadness.
I wish you strength and courage to carry on.

Thanks RRZdragLOVER im soo tempted to test early just to see but read so many people testing early and being disappointed but then getting a positive so dont want to cause myself unneeded stress , just want to know now xx
I did that a few times myself and yes it got harder and harder!!! If you want to know, it's been over 7years of bla bla bla and I don't want to go into it yet but to sum it up, I stopped myself testing for the past 2yrs just because I was tired of feeling disappointed moreover wasting money buying the most accurate and expensive tests thinking they would give me the results we all hope for "+ve"π³.
Go with what you feel and then deal with it the best way you can π
Hi herrys. It's the hardest part of the whole system I think but stay strong and don't test early hun it'll only make it feel worseπ. Your probably full of cold bcoz your run down and stressed chick. It's easier said than done love but try to relax, lots of fluids and the good old paracetamol. Take care xxx
Hi! herrys, speaking from my experience, IVF it is a roller coaster emotional ride. But just remember you are trying, so don't give up. You never know, what at the end of it. What I learnt is, to try and not over thinking things because you never know. hugs and baby dust to you.
I know exactly how you feel Henry's. I am on 5dp3dt . And I feel exactly the same, emotional and I also believe it has not worked. Def your run down and stressed out from everything as you have that awful cold which you could do,without!!!! it's a very tough time , this is my third time being here and I honestly believe it's getting harder! I know you feel very alone so I hope you get some comfort from the replies , as only women like us truly understand what it's like to,go through this. Take care of yourself and best of luck xxxxx
Thanks hope and fitzmsa going to remain as positive as poss until i know anything for sure thanks for supportive messages xxx
It's a roller coaster of emotions whatever stage we are at, isn't it? Yesterday at work I suddenly felt down and didn't want to talk to anyone. Took it easy until the end of the day, went to the gym and then pottered about doing domestic stuff. Not feeling great but focussing on basic day to day life might take your mind off things.
Yes sad panda im working today so going to just focus on that and then relax tonight xx
I'm feeling the same today, had some feesh blood last night and was sure it was the end but nothing since... Don't know wot to do with myself today Test is in a couple of days.. Weather doesn't help much either, is much look my mood grey skies and lots of rain!!
Rainbow breeze hope its not the end good sign if its stopped ? My test day is 2nd april but may do 1 tomorrow as it should show i reckon as i had a 5day transfer ... im feeling abit better today think being poorly has made me a tad over emotional as sleeping is up the wall and this weather is terrible , working till 7 so it will be home shower and pjz for me ! You keep relaxed too xx
Unfortunately I've had more today so does look like my period, I'm gutted have to go to the hospital Mon and do the blood test anyway..
Look after yourself and good luck for your test herrys xx