Hi.. I had my MMC 2 months ago and since then, this is the first month we are actively trying again.. And I got a big negative pregnancy test.. I know, it's just one month we are trying straight after a miscarriage but I had weird symptoms before today, like headache, nausea, cramping. Normally I am not like this so I really put lots of hope onto this month. But it turned negative 😢 I am very sad, very low and disappointed. I got pregnant very quickly the first time and now I wonder that it will never happen again for me. Very low. Some support please
So sad, disappointed and low... - Fertility, Miscar...
So sad, disappointed and low...

I’m so sorry you are feeling like this, I think it’s all part of the grieving process so if it’s any help I think it’s very normal. I guess I am the other end of the scale. I’ve had 4 losses and been ttc for over 5 years but I was at your point in the beginning.. we were trying without trying and I got pregnant in about month three and then we lost it as a blighted ovum mmc. The only way I coped initially was throwing myself into TTC again - everyone says you are more fertile after a MC and so many people get their bfps and I didn’t. In fact I didn’t get my next one for over two years and on my second round of ivf. BUT I coped and I slowly calmed down about it all.. so whilst it doesn’t help it is all normal. Think of it as day one of a new chance
My one word of warning is post Mc my cycles changed completely so I also spent several months thinking I was pregnant each month and then realised it was the ‘new normal’
Hugs lovely x

Hey,thanks for your reply. you're right, it might be normal but i am just fed up of feeling this way. I can't keep going like this. Also my poor husband doesn't know what else to do. The only way that brought me back to life was knowing that we were both keen to start trying again as soon as the bleeding stopped. And that's what we did and I honestly thought we could have made it this month. I thought it would have happened as quickly as the first time...but i guess i just need to put my mind at peace and start thinking that happens when it happens. I am a very impatient person i have to say, and waiting is not my favourite. Beside I am not very "young" anymore and i really feel the biological clock ticking too fast.
Thanks for your words, they mean a lot. Really. Hugs to you too
I’m in the same position as you lovely, my period after the mmc was late and I hoped so much.
We started trying as soon as I stopped bleeding after the mmc.
My period was only spotting for a day or so and prayed the test was wrong. Your mind plays so many tricks on you when you want something so bad. Sending you hugs xx
Hey, thank you for your reply. I can't help it but think that this is not meant to be for me. I know it's only one month of active "trying" but i saw many women getting pregnant again straight away..it's not fair, it's not fair at all. These feelings are eating me alive I know my mind plays a big role in this, i sick of holding onto hope, i was some facts, i want my baby
sorry, it's just a very bad day :((((
Thanks a lot, sending hugs too
Hey lovely, that’s exactly how I’m feeling.
It’s ok to feel like this 🥰 we both, like so many other ladies have and are going through so much. I guess it’s part of grieving.
We also have no control. I know we can eat healthily, exercise, positive mindset , vitamins etc but really it’s out of our control. I also feel that it’s not meant to be 😔.
I had a down day yday 😞 just couldn’t pull myself out of it.
Woke up feeling emotional.
Started to panic, then mind goes into overdrive, my diet hasn’t been brilliant having the odd chocolate here and there and began thinking all sorts, that I’ve wasted the last 6 wks when I should be doing everything to help quality. It’s just so over whelming at times.
They say it takes 12 wks of good eating ,positive thinking, exercise to get good quality eggs, with everything I’ve been up and down.
Worried because I’ve not had Acupuncture aswell , they say that helps but who knows.
In the last 12 months on ivf I’ve put in a stone which has got me down more so in the last couple of weeks, it’s crazy because I’m eating more healthily than ever, only thing I’ve done is stop running ( well attempting to jog/ run lol, didn’t do much before just during the spring /summer but it made a difference) I walk loads but it’s just not shifting.
We will get through this 🥰. Message me anytime xx