Morning, my partner and I have been trying for nearly 4 years in the last 10months we have had 2 mmc. We’ve started ICSI treatment long protocol (I have a history of low amh) and went for my scan on day 8 of stims and I only had 2 follicles starting to grow but my lining was still thin 😕 they’ve told me to come back Monday so in 5 days, has anyone had anything similar? Or advice? I’m gutted if this is going to be cancelled as we’ve come so far and had to pay for this as we don’t qualify for nhs funding!
ICSI uterus lining : Morning, my... - Fertility, Miscar...
ICSI uterus lining
Hello, I’m so sorry to hear about the journey it sounds like it’s been so tough on you guys. Well done for getting this far. How thin is your lining? What have you tried for it?
So they said it had only gone up .2mm I think from 2.4 to 2.6mm 🙄 so I’ve been out walking, I bought vitamin e. I did some fertility yoga this morning and also bought some raspberry leaf tea! I’m doing everything I can!!
Mine is so similar! It’s interesting to connect with someone else with such a thin lining as I don’t hear of it much. Yeah I’ve got myself on raspberry leaf tea, l-arginine, vitamin E, aspirin. I’ve tried oestrogen and oestrogen plus viagra, and I’ve also been doing acupuncture and castor oil packs. Have you tried oestrogen and had a scan to see your response? Ultimately if thin lining is an issue it’s well worth a hysteroscopy to check the cavity. Have you had any previous miscarriages/surgeries down there?x
Sorry I see in your post about your mmc, I’m so sorry. Did you have surgical management? Was your lining thin after this or before?
I didn’t know I had a thin lining, it’s never been brought up before so don’t know if this is something that was there before or not. I’m now wondering if this is something to do with why it’s taken a while to get pregnant and my mmc.
At this stage the best thing is carry on with your cycle and see what the lining dose as more oestrogen builds up when the follicles develop. This happened to me my first ICSI cycle where my lining was 3.2 went up to 4 but then dropped to 2.5, and has only ever been 3 on any scan since no matter what I’ve tried. However since my icsi I fell pregnant naturally, but unfortunately lost the baby and had to have 2 surgical managements of mmc. I had already arranged a hysteroscopy based on the unresponsive lining during the icsi, so went ahead with this and they found scarring from the surgeries. They divided them. I had a second hysteroscopy the other week as my period hadn’t come back at all since my miscarriages despite the first procedure where more scars were divided. I have started bleeding for the first time since January period this week. What are your periods like? In my case my lining had a problem before the miscarriage and that added insult to injury (the thinking is a D&C) I had for heavy periods aged 17 might have destroyed the endometrium and scars didn’t outright obliterate my cavity because a Mirena coil was put in in the same operation). I’ve started this round of icsi and my lining is 3 (it was 2.5 between hysteroscopies when I was on oestrogen and viagra to try and regenerate it after the first op). I guess long and short of what I’d recommend is do the cycle see how you respond and if endometrium remains thin then have a hysteroscopy and see where you stand x
I did have surgical management for my first one.