Tell me all you know about NK cells. I have had multiple miscarriages and 3 failed transfers. I haven’t been tested (clinic doesn’t test) but I’m on prednisone, progesterone and intralipid infusion. Does progesterone suppress them?
NK Cells ~help!!: Tell me all you know... - Fertility, Miscar...
NK Cells ~help!!
Hi hope...
After MCing at 6.5wks from our first IVF cycle my consultant sent me to be tested for Nk cells which did turn out to be elevated. My actual clinic does not perform or even recommend nk cell testing but my consultant does and referred me to the place that does. I was prescribed exactly same medications you have mentioned above as apart of my treatment and also progynova and evorol patches (estrogen)
I also had the intralipid infusion on day 1 after transfer. I am now 12.5 weeks pregnant after our FET.
I would not say that progesterone suppressed the other meds as I did not have none of the symptoms I had first time around, I found the effects of the prednisolone most over powering... insomnia, ravenous hunger, weight gain.
Hope my experience can be of some help to you... all the best x
After 5 rounds of IVF we moved to another clinic which tested for NK cells and it was discovered I had slightly raised levels. I therefore had prednisolene on the next round and Intralipids on the day of egg collection. Sadly this round ended with a miscarriage.
However we went again with a donor egg and again I had prednisolene, then Intralipids on the day of egg collection, at 7 weeks and then at 11 weeks I believe it was. We now have a 20 week old little girl. I am not sure if it was a case of seven time lucky but i think treating the NK cells definitely played a part. My boss has recommended we try this, him and his wife had multiple rounds of IVF but once they discovered the NK cells and treated them she got pregnant and carried their little girl full term.
Hope this helps and good luck.