I've heard somewhre that it's possible to choose a baby-gender, but I don't remember how this procedure is called. Maybe someone can help me with this?
How do you conceive/have a baby boy? - Fertility, Miscar...
How do you conceive/have a baby boy?
The only viable way I know of is to go through a doctor who specializes in that kind of thing, and even then, it's iffy. If you picture each squirt of semen with a cloud of sperm, the front half of the pack (the faster half) is composed of more male than female sperm (more y than x chromosomes). If you get a doctor to isolate the more speedy, and therefore somewhat more likely, sperm, your odds go from 50% to about 66%.
Without a doctor, all you can really do is hope and pray. You can try to have sex at just the right time, so that the sperm don't wait around--that gives the faster sperm something of an advantage. But if you find an old wives tale tip that can supposedly determine gender, don't buy into it.
The very best thing you can do, though? Don't try to have a baby unless you'd take it and love it to pieces regardless of gender. Because aborting a baby because of its gender is sick, wrong, and inhumane, and resenting a child their whole life because they aren't the gender you'd hoped for is not much better.
You can try PGD. It's is the testing process that can provide the answer. In PGD, one to two cells are removed from these early embryos, and then DNA based genetics analysis is performed in highly-specialized laboratories. Upon completion of the analysis which takes about 24 hours, couples can select which embryos they will use. If pregnancy results, there is almost a 100% chance it will be of the desired gender. This method is particularly helpful for couples where the risk of having a male child with an X-linked genetic disease is significant.
I really never cared whom to have. I was praying to have just someone..
It took us failed IUI, ICSI and 2 IVF with donor egg cycles unless we got success with our little one. When I got bfp I just knew this was my boy. No explanation, just a strong feeling from my inner part. I'm afraid I'm no help with a baby gender selection. Just wish you good luck!