So yesterday I went to my OB to have an ultrasound done because I was still bleeding and having pain after weeks of my miscarriage and I was told I still have remaining tissue.
He ordered cytotec which I started at midnight this morning. I inserted 3 vaginally then at midnight And at 8 o clock in the morning I inserted 3 more. I have one more round.
I woke up 5 hours after the first dose and had a good amount of blood in the toilet but nothing on my pad. I also didn't pass anything.
It's been 10 hours and I have minimal cramping and no blood.HOWEVER I do have this brown almost chalky like discharge that is concerning me. It doesn't have an odor but I don't know what it is. He also started me on antibiotics to prevent infection. Has anyone gone through anything similar ? When do the effects of this medicine start? I texted my doctor and he said within 24 hours but I'm still paranoid.
Please please someone help