As a small girl I was raised to be a nice girl, darling daughter, a caring sister, a beautiful girl friend, loving wife and a mother. No adjective to mother because it does not need any. We all know the qualities of a mother. I lived up to all the roles and now seem to have lost on being a mother. I have tried multiple times and everytime I conceive there is more nervousness than being happy. My husband does not say anything but I know he also feels the same. A couple of months into pregnancy and when we are just planning to announce the sad news surrounds us. I am either bleeding or there is no hearth beat or there is a painful cramp...... its gone. All that remains is tears , pain and sympathy as though this was a big task and its ok there is always next time.
How many next time can any one handle? I have had 5 next times.... Should I stop trying further or should I stop hoping for a baby or should I look for alternatives to fulfill my dreams.
Between all these is that beautiful feeling of being a mother and experiencing motherhood, nursing a baby, seeing her grow up and hoping for grandchildren.
I am planning for Surrogacy. I am exploring various options available which can be providing reliable service, guaranteed results and best price. I am even ready to try foreign countries.
Lets not stop dreaming. We all are worth it.