hi I'm new at all this ... I lost my baby girl in October and I'm finding it really hard at the minuet to cope with it all ... it feels like I was suddenly given this beautiful gift of life and then it was suddenly just taken away for some reason ... everything I say do or see makes me think of her ... thoughts on it?
Need some help: hi I'm new at all this... - Fertility, Miscar...
Need some help
I am sorry you are going through this and it's still so fresh for you. how many weeks or months were you?
As I have said to any lady or couple going through this horrible life changing experience take it 1 minute at a time because we can all get through 1 minute to the next.
Days will be dark and others dayso you.may find something that will make you smile about her. cry when you need to. smile when you can, be angry and hate the world for a moment if you need too don't let it eat away and away at you let it out.
When we lost our boy the world was the last place I wanted to be in, people were the last people I wanted to see no one understood the emptiness and deep pain I felt. my hear was broken and there isn't anything not even another child that could replace him as he was my first born son just too small and early I say now GOD'S needs were greater than ours and he called on him for a special task....
It won't be an easy road ahead but there is light at the end of the tunnel heal.yourself take time out and just do you. do something nice where you write letters to your baby girl, plant something for her. we take comfort in going to see him every moment we get.
If you need to chat pm me.
Massive hugs to you xxxx
thank you my heart goes out to you and your little boy xxxx