Does anyone know if Ursodiaol works? I have been on 500mg twice a day for 16 years. My liver enzymes are now normal when tested. Also ultrasound shows a normal appearing liver.
Ursodiaol: Does anyone know if... - Living with Fatty...

I read about it some but it sounds like it's not hurting you liver wise. Maybe somebody else knows more about it and will answer soon.

## Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA) for Liver Disease: A Complex Picture
Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), also known as ursodiol, is a bile acid that has been used for decades to treat various liver diseases. Its effectiveness, however, varies depending on the specific condition and individual factors.
**Conditions where UDCA may be effective:**
* **Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC):** UDCA is the first-line treatment for PBC, a chronic liver disease that affects the bile ducts. It can slow the progression of the disease and improve liver function in many patients.
* **Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD):** UDCA may improve liver enzymes and reduce inflammation in some patients with NAFLD, but its long-term benefits are still being investigated.
* **Biliary sludge and cholesterol gallstones:** UDCA can dissolve small cholesterol gallstones and prevent the formation of new ones in some individuals.
* **Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC):** UDCA may have some beneficial effects in PSC, a chronic liver disease that affects the bile ducts, but its overall effectiveness is limited.
**Factors influencing UDCA effectiveness:**
* **Severity of liver disease:** UDCA is more effective in early stages of liver disease.
* **Individual response:** Some patients respond better to UDCA than others.
* **Underlying cause of liver disease:** UDCA is more effective for certain liver diseases than others.
* **Concomitant medications:** Some medications can interact with UDCA and reduce its effectiveness.
* UDCA is not a cure for liver disease, but it can help manage symptoms and slow disease progression in some cases.
UDCA can be an effective treatment option for certain liver diseases, but its effectiveness varies depending on the specific condition and individual factors.