is fibroscan and shear wave elastrophy the same test and do they have the same charts for KPA cap s sores?
are these similar : is fibroscan and... - Living with Fatty...
are these similar
I think is either the same or it scores the same way. My test results show as Liver Elastography as the name of the test and then it tells me my Fibroscan Result: Fibrosis score F4: Advanced (Cirrhosis) however my test result did not have a CAP score.
They are similar, but they are not the same test and their KPA charts are different. Also the manufacturers of the ultrasound machines may have different interpretation charts as well. Example, Phillips may be different then GE. I have had both a fibroscan and an ultrasound elastography,
Both work on the same theory and measure the shear wave in meters/second. The Fibroscan does additional processing to report the kPa and CAP. The ultrasound elastography just report in meters/second and doesn't provide a CAP score. Each manufacture has a table that converts to the NASH F1-F4 score. So very similar with nuances.