Hope all is well with everyone, question how many people have had repeat fibroscans and gotten better results from either weight loss ,excercise,or getting blood levels in line.?
Yearly follow up fibroscans - Living with Fatty...
Yearly follow up fibroscans

I went from 17.8 kPa to 11.4 kPa in less than four months. I completely abstained from alcohol and lost 40 pounds during that time. It’s tough to do this, but I want my next visit to my hepatologist be positive news not negative.
I went from 8.9 to 8.0 in less than 3 months. It doesn't sound like much but I have lean nash meaning that my nash was not caused by excessive fat in my liver due to sugar and processed foods. I am not overweight or diabetic but watched what i ate and stepped up my exercise
Fibroscans measure liver stiffness. Stiffness only estimates the level of fibrosis, but can also be affected by inflammation and even the amount of time since the last meal. So fibroscan scores can decrease over time, but that may just indicate lower levels of inflammation, not necessarily reduced fibrosis.
Also keep in mind that with any measurement, some noise is inevitable. A score of 12 kpa one day could be followed with a score of 11 kpa the next day. The liver will not have changed at all in this time, only the results.
what happens if the pulse that takes the test hits a bone would that raise KPA and should technician notice they are not getting a accurate reading?
I was 7.3 then 2 years later 9.7 and had a biopsy which proved Nash stage 2 2 years later after eating mainly a mediterranean diet my latest fibroscan was 6.7 after 4 years and have no progression I also have Alpha which is a genetic liver disease from birth so feel very positive .Having a hard time losing the fat in my liver so need to lose more weight but finding it hard .