I have another bunch of banding that needs done again this year. The last year has not been great health wise. Though tests and routine lab work have rarely if if ever shown any significant changes I’ve managed to go from no varicies to 15 last year and my Liver Specialist says the latest CT scan shows new and larger ones. My gastro health has been horrible and it seems I’m always right on the verge of being sick most of the time these days.
Has anyone else had experience with anything close to this. I am trying my best to understand how if nothing changes in lab work or sonograms why is so much actually changing in real life? My diet is pretty limited and I know I eat fewer things than ever before that might even possibly lead to a gastroparesis flare up … but nothing much changes. I just seem to be getting worse - it sure feels that way - and everyone keeps telling me nothing has changed with my liver cirrhosis but it darn sure feels like it has!
I know median life expectancy once gastro-esophageal varicies are diagnosed is 59 months - I’m at about month 18, had several rounds of banding done last year and it looks like several more are set to begin the first of May. I’m not scared of dying, it’s not my preference, but not a paralyzing fear. What I would like is some answers that make sense. I even drove 5 hours one way for a visit with my liver doc just to get platitudes and basically just saying what was thought would make me feel better. I know the whack a mole nature of banding (banding one can cause another to pop up) but why more and bigger when routine checks show little change? Does thing change my 59 month median life expectancy? I’m just frustrated and no one seems willing enough to be honest with me about what the heck is going on!