Foods to eat for good of liver
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Hi, you don’t indicate whether you have a level of fibrosis or are inquiring for someone you know? In general, the Mediterranean diet has shown to be excellent in helping with liver issues and overall good health.
- eat fish especially salmon but buy the wild caught sockeye as opposed to farm raised. This applies to all fish, shrimp etc.
- eliminate all white stuff such as sugar, salt, bread, potatoes. Choose alternatives that are healthier such as sweet potatoes.
- eliminate butter and all fats and replace with a good quality extra virgin olive oil. EVOO is your new best friend.
- eat lean meats such as chicken breast without skin.
- eat nuts such as almonds, pecans, walnuts.
- try to eat fiber rich foods but don’t go over board . Everything in moderation.
- Cut down on carbs.
- drink 2-4 cups of coffee each day. Black no cream or sugar. Coffee has been shown in many studies to help the liver. If coffee causes you gastric issues, check Internet as there are coffees that are more pure and will not cause you problems.
- if you can, see a dietician that helps liver patients. They will help you immensely and will guide you and answer all your questions .
- do NOT see a general doctor or pcp(primary care physician) for any liver issues. Please seek a good Hepatologist.
These are just some suggestions. Always ask your dietician or doctor(Hepatologist) if you have questions with regards to food or anything to do with your liver.
Finally, I leave you with the words of Hippocrates who said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.
Blessings and good health 🙏
I would just add that there are a ton of books for sale online and in book stores with titles like "The Healthy Liver Diet" and so on. I will note that it seems to me that a huge amount of the recipes are taken from "The Healthy Heart Diet". It seems a healthy heart and liver both like nearly the same thing so look into heart diets too.
Again a google search or a visit to a book store will show you many options. I prefer to start with a search online because then you can read previous purchaser reviews "It was a great book", "It was a terrible book", etc.
Good luck!