Hi all. I was diagnosed with Nash stage 2 fibrosis, And I have frequent RuQ pain. I had gone to a hepathologist who ordered an ultrasound with elastiography. The ultrasound said I had F2, but my blood work showed F0. The doctor didn't seem concerned and doesn't want to test again for another a year, and that's just bloodwork. Since my mom and her sister both died of liver cancer in their forties I thought we should be taking a look at it every 6 months to a year with a Fibroscan at least. I had to schedule 4 months in advance to see a hepathologist that is real far away from me in downtown St. Louis, and she could feel my enlarged liver just from an exam on the table and said we are having a Fibroscan and blood work in 6 months. I told her how I lost 25 pounds but then gained it back again and she pretty much ordered me to lose weight. So glad I went because when it comes down to it, we are our own best advocates because most doctors will blow you off. 2008 is when I was first told I had fatty liver and they blew it off and just told me to watch my diet. Within 10 years it progressed to stage 2 fibrosis.
Thankful I sought 2nd opinion - Living with Fatty...
Thankful I sought 2nd opinion
I'm glad you understand the issue. I went from an F2 that they didn't tell me about to F4 in 4 years. I really ramps up quick once you hit F3 so best plan is never to get there. Lifestyle is key so good luck. For anyone who is reading along, blood tests are a very poor tool indicator unless you go with one of the new more sophisticated tests like LIVERFASt
I am in the exact same spot now. I have been told I had fatty liver changes for a very long time, but until I went to the Mayo clinic last May (2021) for some other reasons and the doctor there did a fibroscan right away. 3 months later I had a Transjuggular biopsy. I got those results last week and I am in full blown cirrhosis NASH stage 2 cirrhosis. 10+ years of mentioning fatty liver in passing as if it was no big deal! Years I could have been making good healthy changes if I had understood the ramifications, if it had been a conversation instead of just an incidental mention. Now I am struggling to figure out how to make changes that will give me more time, good time. I still have a 12 yr old to finish raising.