Things to help my liver
New to NASH and wondering if milk thi... - Living with Fatty...
New to NASH and wondering if milk thistle helps ? What about vitamin E ?

Vitamin E is recommended, not much real evidence for milk thistle though many think it helps.
Hi! I believe it does with my own experience in getting my ALT/AST numbers down to have surgery. I was taking 400 iu of vitamin E and GI suggested 800. My numbers went down when I increase it. I also just had great results this last year with numbers as well. I take milk thistle as well. I did intermittent fasting 16/8. I follow a diet called eat right for your blood type. I was having swelling in my abdomen for months and no dr out of 4 could tell me what was wrong. My blood type is A- and it recommends vegetarian diet for me. Since then I have had no more swelling and my numbers have improved from 10.8 to 7.2. Hope this helps. I also drink milk thistle tea as well as dandelion root tea.