This my first post. New here and newly diagnosed with fatty liver.
Statins? Are gastro drs willing to pr... - Living with Fatty...
Statins? Are gastro drs willing to prescribe Statins and are they effective?

Hi Mom
Most docs think statins are OK for liver patients. Here is a link about it if you need something to discuss with your doc.
I had one person who worked at my gastro office suggest it. So I asked my liver specialist at Lahey and she said no. It was a combo of metformin and a statin. It was supposedly learned at a conference that was attended this last year.
So its up to your doctor and how you feel about taking it. Do your research. Im not saying its wrong, but I chose the second opinion.
My liver rejected statins. They tried 3 different ones. My pharmacist said if they try another I'm not filling the script. He saw how it affected it. I filled up with water on one and the other one put me into a heart attack. The less drugs you take to put through your liver the better you are. I take one pill a day for water retention and that is it. I have lived 20 years with this. The only time I got really sick was when I was put on meds. The Statins and when I have both hips replaced I was on pain meds, it through my liver for a loop. I suggested staying off meds. That has worked for me.
Alterity, Gosh, I’m sorry you went through that. I feel cautioned now. I know that it’s a progressive illness though and I’m worried. I’m suspicious that I’ve had liver issues since my early 30s and I’m now almost 50. I’ve already changed my diet but I can feel the bloat and back pain from it. I haven’t gotten my bloodwork back yet, so I’m not sure about function.