A key goal for the Foundation is to connect the people who are at risk for liver disease, but don't know it, to information that they can use to consider if they need to learn about liver disease. How do you engage a person who doesn't think they may be ill and doesn't suspect that they may have a silent disease cooking away in their body?
It is very difficult to speak to another person about such intimate concerns. How do you encourage someone to be more proactive about their health, when you have concerns, without feeling awkward yourself or making them feel uncomfortable? These are questions that we worry about here at the Foundation. Health is so very personal, but the statistics are startlingly clear. About 100 million of us have some level of liver disease and have no idea that we do but reaching out to people in a personal way is very challenging.
We want to encourage people to become better stewards of their health and to live as long and as well as possible but we really don't want to be a pain in the ass for anyone. There are people I care about who are on a road to illness but don't seem to get it. I just want to shake some sense into them sometimes but decorum and fellowship don't really allow that so how to engage in that conversation is the challenge. We may have found one small way. Consider this question.
Stay tuned.