I am both but wasn’t referred for the NALFD until recently after a year on thyroxine although my bloods were showing high ALT (liver) when I was first diagnosed as hypothyroid (with antibodies attacking thyroid). I’ve heard there may be a connection but no one medically trained has ever explained it to me or what impact each has on the other. I’m not sure if when one of the illnesses improves both illnesses improve. Or if they’re not connected at all. Thanks for any advice
Are you hypothyroid as well as NAFLD?... - Living with Fatty...
Are you hypothyroid as well as NAFLD? Is there a connection?
Yes, I have nash and hypothyroid. Also was pre-diabetic, but my A1c has dropped to normal range with the restricted diet and some weight loss. Also have high cholesterol but controlled with a statin, ^ hypertension controlled with Propranolol and Clonidine.
Hi SianJane
The liver is involved with many of the hormonal systems so there are thyroid diseases that are independent, but any distress in the liver can make other problems worse. A high ALT suggests that you have been experiencing liver stress for some time. The important thing to learn now is what specifically is causing your NAFLD. See a hepatologist if you can. It is usually weight but not always. In most cases eating a liver friendly diet is your best defense. Here is a place to start if you want to learn more.