So I've posted before I've been told that I have a fatty liver but nothing has ever been done. Now I have high copper and high ceruloplasmin and I just talked to the nuerologist that ordered that teat and her response was normally the ceruloplasmin is low but yours is high so I have no answers for you. Just don't worry about it. She looked at labs that I guess was done on my liver but don't know what they were and she said they were normal. So can anyone tell me can you have normal liver tests but still have fatty liver or some other li we disease
Need some more advice: So I've posted... - Living with Fatty...
Need some more advice
2 Replies
Yes, blood tests are often normal until the liver disease is advanced. This is true for fatty liver but not necessarily true for all diseases so there are no absolute answers as everyone is different but stable labs are common
I have had times over the last 10 years where my enzymes were normal. Right now they are elevated again. My first clue that my levels are high is that I itch all over. Keep trying to eat right and watch what medications you are taking and make sure they do labs to check while you are taking medications.
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