Recently diagnosed with NAFLD. Everything I read tells how serious this is. (My belief too) Dr has answered every question without really giving answers. Change diet, lose a little weight, eat more veggies, no red meat. Which I have changed my diet and I feel so much better. But when does NAFLD turn to NASH. Can someone help me.
NAFLD to NASH: Recently diagnosed with... - Living with Fatty...

Hi Mary, glad to help. NAFLD means that fat is accumulating in liver cells but those fat droplets are largely benign and cause no real problem which is why for so long doctors didn't think it was a dangerous disease. There is a point where they start to kill the liver cells, however, and that begins the formation of scar tissue. Nash is that stage where liver cells are dying and fibrosis is forming. That process can continue until there is so much scar tissue that the liver deforms and is no longer able to do its job. Then it is called cirrhosis.
I had a fibroscan my number is 331. I have 69% of liver is fat. I also have a pretty good size cyst.
Can you enlighten me any.
Guess I'm wanting to know the number for NASH 1. To see how far it is or if I'm there. When I questioned the Dr she showed me the computer screen and it said NAFLD/NASH
Hi Mary, we can't really diagnose but as you say you have a fairly high fat reading. There is a second number on the Fibroscan that you want to look at. It is the second large size number on the screen. It is a measure of stiffness and that is the one that actually relates to your stage. The relationship between those two numbers helps your doctor understand just where you are in the complex range of liver disease. Also, the meaning of the stiffness number does differ depending on what caused your disease as the cutoffs are different. This link may help you visualize it.
Thank you so much for all the information and answering my questions.
The only other number was 7.8
Hi Mary
OK, you need to discuss this with your doctor but if we assume your basic problem is fatty liver that score would normally mean you are at stage 2 NASH. If your doctor agrees, that is a hopeful score because from there many people are able to reverse the disease by changing their lifestyle. Just to put that into perspective, my first score was 21.5 but is now 9.6 after I changed my diet and habits. Here is a link to a discussion to the diet we recommend. I hope to get my score that low some day.