First Sunday/Halloween Fasters, Novemb... - Fasting and Furious

Fasting and Furious

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First Sunday/Halloween Fasters, November 2020.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs
84 Replies

We have a recent tradition here to do a group fast every month, starting around the first Sunday. This Sunday is the first day of November. That's an old feast, all saints day; aka all hallows day. So Saturday is all hallows' eve, aka Halloween. Anyway, that's the end of my catholic educated nerdnishness.

The first Sunday fast is simple. If you are starting a fast around next weekend, sharing it here for support and fellow fasters. We will cheer you on, and tell you to stop if we are worried it's not healthy. (But don't rely on us for health advice, of course!)

We all decide for ourselves if fasting is safe and healthy for us, but once you have established that, please use this discussion to achieve your goal. If you aren't sure what is safe and healthy for you, ask some questions and we can help you decide, or direct you to your GP.

The purpose of the group fast is for us to give each other support and encouragement.

Post your fasting plan here, then while you are fasting, updates on how you are feeling. Ask for help or advice or share hints on what helps you. Let us know how you did at the end, and maybe share a picture (in a separate discussion) of your fast-breaking meal.

I often start my fasts after my last meal on a Sunday. Others prefer to fast over the weekends starting Friday. It's all good. Use this thread to support any elongated (for you!) fast you are doing around the beginning of October.

I will do a serious fast this weekend, including abstention from booze. I will define the parameters below.

Note: don't hesitate to start your own discussion/thread if that helps your goals. We are all supporting each other, and so should do whatever we need to be successful.

Written by
Subtle_badger profile image
16Kg IF 72hrs
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84 Replies
S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20

Count me in.

Starting after early lunch (on OMAD brunch) on Sunday, to late lunch - so I could eat almost a full day's "ration" on the first and last day.

I usually shop on Tuesday, so I eat up the rest of the week's yoghurt and cream on the Sunday, and break the fast with an additional 500ml of yoghurt.

I have been losing weight for about 28 months... and I have been getting "reset to my new target weight for two months now - and I have kept at of below my target all month.

As I need energy, and do not need to lose any more weight, I might have cream with coffee occasionally during this fast.

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs

Lovely post SB!

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs

There was a comment left overnight, now deleted, but I thought was worth addressing.

They asked how we could tell if someone was being unhealthy, and the answer is, I don't know. I am just uncomfortable with the idea of us being an unthinking cheer squad, because it is possible to hurt yourself fasting, and it can also be an eating disorder, or trigger one. So I just want to allow for the possibility of saying "I think you should stop that, it's not good for you,"

We haven't had to say that, and I suspect we won't have to. I just want to keep that door open.

Sheperdess profile image

I’m trying to work out how to transition from weight loss to maintenance as I’ve never done that before. This has been week 1 and I’ve been loosening measurements and relaxing my tracking so I fully expect a small gain 😳 Given that, I’m having OMAD tomorrow and will do the same on Sunday too. I won’t do a longer fast yet till I work out what normal eating feels like 😌I will still join in with you all though 😊

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Sheperdess

I hear you. I have been in maintenance since June, and not sure if I have found my path yet. I am finding my heart is not in fasting the way it was previously. I am a few kilos over my lowest weight, and wondering if I should try to get back there.

Sheperdess profile image
Sheperdess in reply to Subtle_badger

If you do find your mojo I hope you can share some of your secrets 😁 I’ve been on the weight loss route all of this year and am really all at sea as to how to maintain. Such a peculiar feeling. I have been considering what you’ve said and I think I will set an upper limit which is my trigger point to start losing again. That figure will be 3 pounds above my lowest weight (achieved last week). I’ll see how it feels to try that I think 🤔

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Sheperdess

I lost weight at only a pound a week... and a kg a month for the last few lbs, so the transition to maintenance was relatively easy.

I still IF 20:4 almost every day.

Sheperdess profile image
Sheperdess in reply to S11m

Maybe that’s the way to do it 😊

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

I am 6 years on from getting to goal weight and STILL getting used to maintenance Sheperdess ! Still log my food most days, but I am very short and quite sedentary because of my disability, so my calorie allowance for maintenance is low. However, I have modified lots of things over the 6 years, including the introduction of just 2 meals a day (which I've been doing for over three years).

I would say maintenance has been more of a challenge than the initial weight loss - but I've never been back anywhere near my starting weight!

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Pineapple27

Hi, Pineapple27 .

My target weight has changed from 18 stone to 16 stone and now to 14 stone... and I have been at my target weight for over two years - but I have only been at my current (target) weight for about two months.

I tend to feel hungry when I am cold - so this is, perhaps, the most difficult time of year to lose or maintain weight.

I have been eating two meals a day (and fasting 20:4) for about two years.

I was able to lose weight when I was disabled.

Sheperdess profile image
Sheperdess in reply to Pineapple27

Thank you for that helpful story. I don’t know why it bothers me like it does but I will remember that I’m not going back again 😊

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs

Hi SB, and, Everyone,

I am sorry to be a 'let down' but I have just returned from the UK, after a very sad and emotional week (where the latter half was someone carby) head is not in the right place for fasting; but I plan to join in, on the next one. Thank you ♡

I will be here as a Cheerleader though.

I hope that it goes well for you all xx

Sheperdess profile image
Sheperdess in reply to Shield-Maiden

No need for apologies. The important thing is your mental and emotional well-being 🙂 As always, anytime you want to start a fast, PM me or post on this forum. I’ve been a bit absent whilst I work out how to maintain but I’m here for you 🤗 Take care of yourself 🍀

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to Sheperdess

Thank you, for being so kind, not to mention, being hugely supportive xx

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Shield-Maiden

If I am reading between the lines correctly, condolences. I hope you get to a happier place soon.

To echo shepherdess, the important thing is your well-being. Don't fast when it's not the right time for you.

Just a thought, though: if you aren't ready for a fast, but maybe want to participate a different way, and flush the carbs from your body, you could consider a fat fast. I have never done one, but it sounds interesting....

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

Thank you SB; I am looking forward to reading this; I will let you know if I decide to take the plunge 🤗

Thank you for your condolences x

Take care ♡

Food4Fuel profile image
Food4Fuel7Lbs IF16 in reply to Shield-Maiden

Hope you can take good care of yourself over the next few weeks/months. I’m sure you will be back in the right place for it soon but until then it sounds like a sensible choice 😊 I’m not doing it this time either - trying to alternate between 16:8 and 18:6 each day but it’s all I can manage at the moment! Feel like the clock change has thrown me off!

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to Food4Fuel

Hi Food4Fuel,

Thank you for your kind words, and, support.

I know what you mean, about the clock change.

I had a couple of naughty carby days, this past week. Looking back, it was emotional release, I think. So now that I am home, I intend to get back to my 16:8 IF.

I have the Fast 800 books, plus, Dr. Fungs book, so when I feel up to it, I wouldn't mind trying those, before Christmas. If I don't try them both, I might try one of those plans, in January.

Perhaps, you and I, can join in on the December group fast?

Have a lovely weekend x

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs

My fasting plan:

Relaxed, slightly dirty fast, starting after last meal tomorrow (or Sunday if I am lucky enough to get a social invite, which I might). Black tea and coffee; one or two cups of broth; up to 4 tablespoons of cream in coffee and/or broth each day; sour gherkin if I need crunch.

Minimum: 36 hours

Target: 60 hours

Maximum: 84 hours.

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

That sounds very well thought out; wishing you much luck, not that you need it 🌻

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs

Hello! Newbie here. I have been on my weight loss / healthy eating way of life since February 2012 - lost 4 and a half stone and now kind of maintaining for the past 3 years. Fairly close to my target weight now and would like to stay there!

I am very short (4ft 8") and also have a physical disability so my mobility is severely impacted (use a wheelchair outside of the house).

My other half is an experienced faster, having previously worked up to a 5 day fast earlier this year (March). I am joining him for a 3 day fast, the first day being today.... so therefore a little early for the First Sunday - I'll be finishing my Fast as you are all starting! He is also very knowledgeable on Fasting (the process) and also a keen interest in longevity with the aim of staying as healthy as possible for as long as possible....

Half way though the first day I am feeling fine. I routinely eat only two meals a day (lunch and dinner) and have done that for about 5 or 6 years. I genuinely no longer miss breakfast. I do drink tea and coffee with milk in the morning though.

Feeling ok so far, have drunk Pukka Organic Fair Mint Matcha Green tea, Pukka Organic Fair Matcha Clean Green (whole leaf green tea, lemon and dandelion root). Water with a pinch of sea salt. One black coffee.

OH however, is struggling feeling very tired and exhausted. Thankfully he's on holiday now and so has been taking it easy. He's had a bath and fallen asleep in the bath and his tinnitus is playing up somewhat.

Feeling the cold.... have ramped up the heating and got the log fire burning.

Will report back!

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Pineapple27

Welcome aboard. Please keep us updated. 3 days is an impressive first fast!

If you both are not normally low carb, you will probably feel better tomorrow, when your glucose stores are mostly gone, and your body is forced to start using ketones. You should feel warmer, as apparently the metabolism steps up over the first few days of fasting, and that should show in increased body temp.

Let us know how you feel tomorrow. Oh, and how you sleep. Fasting gives me insomnia.

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Pineapple27

Welcome aboard Pineapple27 .

in reply to Pineapple27

Like your post and finding out what you are drinking. I too have felt cold. Drinking green tea, black coffee and water. Good idea putting a sprinkle of salt in, will try that later. I am planning on some yoga and breathing exercises to keep me focused later this evening .

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs in reply to

We made a SOLE:

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs

Oh, something I had forgotten about: coronavirus!

The rates are rising in most of the northern hemisphere, so your risk of being exposed is greater than it was over summer. For all any of us can know, we may have been exposed to the virus yesterday, and our bodies are all ready fighting it. It's worth keeping that in mind.

Fasting strengthens your immune system in the long term, but in the short term, your body may experience it as stress, which could depress your immunity. Now is not the time to push yourself too hard; listen to your body, and if it seems to be unhappy, then maybe draw your fast to an earlier conclusion than you had planned.

Stay safe and well.

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

Thanks for that. Yes, I hope we are being sensible! But good to have the reminder about coronavirus.

I have in the past done 5:2 fasting, also 2 rounds of the Michael Moseley 8 week Blood Sugar Diet (back in 2016). I used to find with both of those that I felt more energised, didn't need as much sleep.

Cold is something I've experienced before when fasting (5:2 and BSD). So was better prepared for it today and have kept the house warmer to avoid getting chilled to the bone.

Both have livened up now (19:30hrs) and watched Life of Pi, which was a great distraction. Not watched it since it was first released on the big screen. OH had not seen it, and enjoyed it.

Just had another black coffee and topped up with water with fulvic acid minerals. We've drunk water with a pinch of sea salt.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Pineapple27

I meant this to be for everyone, not specifically you - but it was triggered by your post. I don't think you are doing anything risky, but you reminded me to remind people about covid.

Your approach seems very considered and sensible, and you and your OH are watching each other's backs. I may make a further comment as you progress, but take it as a suggestion, and ignore it as you like.

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

I am very open and have enjoyed your suggestions / thoughts so far!

in reply to Subtle_badger

Thank you for your words of advise re Covid

Hey S_B and fellow fasters, count me in. Not sure how long for yet, I prefer to let myself be guided by genuine hunger rather than a clock. Plus, I did a big fast last week, so I will trust my bod, when it's ready to eat 😁

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20

I have appointments next week - so I have started my fast a day early, at 10:40 after OMAD brunch!

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to S11m

Oh, good, you can keep Pineapple27 company!

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs

How's it going everyone?

Thinking about you Pineapple and S11m x

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs

So here we are, more than half way through the 3 day fast (15:20hrs). I seem to be finding it easier than OH. But I am a two meals a day, try to keep it low(ish) carb and avoid the highly processed carbs - have rice or pasta once a week (wholegrain), bread 2 slices a week (with avocado at the weekend). Love my veggies, eat 4/5 veggie portions a day, sometimes more.

He's a grazer/snacker with a sweet tooth. Maybe because of that he's finding it harder. Mostly lack of energy, very lethargic. Permanent low grade headache, not to the extent where it's a problem, but he'd rather not have it. We don't live together, but he's de-camped here for the duration of the Fast.

We've continued to drink green tea (he's drinking matcha, yuk!!), water with a pinch of salt and the fulvic acid minerals in water.

Great news is that we both slept really well. I woke full of energy - he didn't! But slept a good 7+ hours. I went to bed about 9.30pm (ahead of him).

He's admitted to feeling a bit grouchy, but we are aware of it and why it is. We watched the presentation "Sugar: the bitter truth" - Prof. Robert Lustig's presentation - it's lengthy and the middle part with the chemistry explanation was a bit hard going.

When we woke this morning we listened to Jason Fung's Therapeutic Fasting (thanks S11m !) which is a great reminder of why we are doing this and the benefits we might enjoy.

Already (longingly!) planning how we will break the fast on Monday - coconut flour pancakes with raspberries and creme fraiche, avocado with mixed seeds and some chilli flakes.

Have tried to hide away the foods that were on display - some lentil curl crisps, some savoury crackers. But now the apples in the fruit bowl are also looking tempting. We can easily resist.

Have played a game of backgammon and interesting to see from that how performance is affected - I was smashed by him. However, I am a new player (only started playing it in August of this year).

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs in reply to Pineapple27

Lovely're doing so well x

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Pineapple27

I had not looked at "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" before... because it is so long.

If one is familiar with most of the content (which I flipped through in 15 minutes) it is tedious - it the content is new to you, then it would be a great deal to take in in one video.

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs in reply to S11m

There is a shortened version:

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Pineapple27

Thank you - I did watch all of it.

...but he missed out the bit that blamed Ancel Keys for the Standard American Diet (SAD).

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Pineapple27

Thanks for the lovely detail about your fast. How are you doing now? Feeling better?

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

Phew, yes - but the last 24 hours were quite tough! Called 111 and they suggested checking blood sugars and BP which we did. But definitely felt a lot better after I'd been sick.

Strangely OH found his last 24 hours much better - almost as if we'd swapped!

Didn't sleep very well last night but that was mostly due to pain in my lower back. I didn't have the energy to do my usual daily stretches yesterday, and paid dearly for it!

So this morning broke my fast with a cup of Earl Grey (with a little milk) - not as amazing as I thought it would be. And I just wasn't hungry! After my 2 cups of tea, I exercised (stretches) and planning to eat low carb today to stay in ketosis.

Brunch was half an avocado with a sprinkling of mixed seeds and some chilli flakes. Dinner is planned as stir-fried cabbage and leek (using olive oil and butter), some full fat soured cream and some feta cheese. Also have some full fat yogurt and raspberries planned for whenever I feel I'd like them.

Technical data: In terms of keto levels, we measured them at the end of day 3 and the start of day 4 (end of fast). Day 3 my measurements were 4.1 and OH's were 2.1. This morning mine were 4.8 and his were 2.8. You can see where that is on the scale here:

Blood sugars were:

MINE: 49 mg/dl = 2.7 mmol/l day 3 and today (end of fast) 31 mg/dl = 1.7 mmol/l

OH'S: 75 mg/dl = 4.1 mmol/l day 3 (we ran out of strips for him to do a second test)

Weight loss.

MINE: I started at 9st 7.6lbs (60.6kgs) on Friday and today I was 9st 2.8lbs (58.4kgs), so a total loss of 4.8lbs (or 2.2kg)

OH's: Started at 75.1kg and today was 72.2kg = loss of 2.9kgs (6.4lbs)

All in all, a very different experience to what I was expecting. I was amazed that I didn't feel hungry after the first day (at all). Day 3 was a real struggle in terms of lack of energy and increased pain (perhaps due to missing my exercise and being even more sedentary than usual.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Pineapple27

Thanks for replying, and sorry I told you to call the police (101,oops!).

Glad you did fine, and could persevere.

I assume you probably guessed what my concern was - I don't like to diagnose people, especially as I am not at all qualified - but what you described was reminiscent enough of my dad's description of his stroke, I wanted to make sure that could be ruled out.

Impressive ketone results for you! I am not as familiar with glucose numbers, so will have Google a little to understand those.

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

OH is quite knowledgeable about these things. Today I also have aching gluteus maximus muscles (backs of my thighs). Not sure what this can be attributed to?

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Pineapple27

I take magnesium for cramp and muscle pain.

You might find that a gentle walk will fix it - or a Voltarol massage?

Might it be sciatica?

If it is not a joint or muscle problem - then an osteopath might be able to fix it. (I am scheduled to see mine on Thursday).

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Pineapple27

S11m and I are apparently vibing on the same frequency. We both broke our fasts early within minutes of each other, the now I just remembered I wanted to reply to this, and came to reply and found that he had written largely what I planned to say.

Point of pedantry, the gluteus maximus is one of 3 muscle that make up your butt. The back of the thighs is colloquially called "hamstrings", but wikipedia tells me it's actually 3 muscles: semimembranosus, semitendinosus and biceps femoris.

Cramping was my thought, too. But not sure. If it was cramping at the time, I don't think you would describe it as aching - it's a much more urgent pain than that. Previous cramping could definitely leave you aching, but I think cramping that severe to make it ache would not have gone unnoticed.

But would concur with all the advice above (except osteopathy, not my thing). I also add lo-salt to my black coffee while fasting, it's half sodium and half potassium. Those + magnesium seem to be the most important electrolytes while fasting.

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

Pain has gone today!! By last night it was quite severe. Definitely muscular and running down my muscle to he back of my knee. Definitely not sciatica.

Down another .2kg today (1lb) and my keto levels were still at 2.8 this morning (still well within the optimum ketone levels which run from 1.0 to 3.0 - the higher the better!

Continuing to eat to maintain ketosis today - homemade spiced carrot and lentil soup with added creme fraiche and a boiled egg for lunch. Dinner a ribeye steak with butternut squash roasted in ras el hanout and paprika (olive oil) and tenderstem broccoli. OH succumbed to some chocolate last night - we was virtually out of ketosis this morning (1.0 today and 2.8 yesterday - when breaking the fast)

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Pineapple27

Ah! I see the advantages of a ketone metre. I wouldn't eat that menu, because it looks like too many carbs. But of course, you don't have to guess what is too many carbs, you know how your body responds.

A mild needle phobia prevents me buying a ketone monitor. It's an expensive paperweight if it turns out I am not capable of pricking my finger 🖕

Looks like a tasty menu, though!

Glad you are feeling better.

Pedant mode: 200g is around 1/2lb

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

To be honest Subtle_badger , I don't get too hung up on carb grammage and that wasn't the main purpose of the fast for me... I was doing it to keep my OH company (he was on holidays for a few days and that is when he usually Fasts - wouldn't feel right eating in front of him) :-)

My sister has been today to give me my pre-lockdown hair cut and said I look really different (only4/5lb loss) even with my clothes on - but in undies, there is definitely a very visible change in body shape. Won't go into too much detail, but there is definitely less of me on my curvaceous areas!! :-D

My keto level was 1.4 today, so still hanging on in there!

I have just seen this after posting my 38 hour fast above here, I can support. I started Friday 10pm and not opening window until 12:30 pm Sunday. Thinking of you all, Fasters, Nov 2020

You are doing so well, and to wake up full of energy half through this fast is good news. I will listen to Jason Fung’s fasting to. At present though listening to Boris and Covid.

Keep safe Pineapple

Just to say I'm moving over to the "shaking pom poms team" this time. My bod just doesn't wanna play...

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to

Your body is smart! Doing two fasts back to back probably not a good idea. Fasting is like body building. In body building, the weight work tears down the muscle, but the muscle building takes place while you are resting. Fasting engages autophagy to get rid of old proteins, but you need to have a period of eating to rebuild the things that have been torn down. I was a little concerned about you fasting with us.

Thanks for being our cheer squad in the meantime. 🖤

in reply to Subtle_badger

Thanks S_B 😊

Shield-Maiden profile image
Shield-Maiden16IF 29hrs

Well done Everyone!

I made the right decision, in not attempting to fast; I'm not in a good headspace atm...I will try to get, where I want to be, again.

I AM going to join in on the December weekend fast though xx

in reply to Shield-Maiden

Take care Shield 💛

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs

Day 3... final day of the fast. Slept remarkably well (9 hours!) Woke feeling tired at 6am and after a cup of green tea, dozed for another hour.

Not feeling so great today, definitely lacking in energy. Taking a shower took the last of it!

Then, after the shower, suddenly felt sick, and was sick (it was the cup of tea that came back up), and now feeling ok again (but still lacking energy).

I had also noticed a bright "snowflake" when I closed my eyes.... which isn't usually there (I have loads of floaters).

Have searched and found that I am not the only one, and it could have been due to (1) gulping the tea down in one go - it had cooled or (2) low blood pressure.

Not feeling sick now and the bright "snowflake" went after I was sick, will concentrate on sipping slowly throughout the day.

OH is fetching his BP machine and Keto monitor today from home to take some readings.

I am very short (4ft 8") and also fairly low in weight following my weight loss - started (day 1) at 9st 7lb and this morning (day 3) was down to 9st 3.8lbs - 3.2lbs loss.

In kg, that is 60.6kg down to 58.8kg (1.8kg)

Going to take it steady today, but I am guessing this is how OH has been feeling for the past two days, so feeling worse for me as up until now I have been feeling pretty good!

Will ensure I drink the salted water (sipping rather than gulping). It will be interesting to see what my BP reading is.

Will report back later.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Pineapple27

Please contact a doctor;101 if you are in the UK. It's probably nothing, but better to be cautious.

Edit:when I was younger, I used to naturally fast (eg notice at 4pm that I hadn't eaten), and I would experience nausea or vomiting, so it probably is the fasting, but the snowflake worries me.

in reply to Pineapple27

How are you feeling now Pineapple? Did you get any medical advice? Hope you're ok!

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs in reply to

See my up-date above Hidden - fast completed!

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Pineapple27

I think the bright "snowflake" may be phosphenes... I was seeing stars after a long walk at the end of a long fast - and this can be caused by low blood pressure, which I get through heart failure, bradycardia, postural hypotension, etc. I hope they might turn up my pacemaker this week.

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs in reply to S11m Thanks for this S11m - yes, I think this was what it was - it says at this link that they can be caused by food and drink deprivation. And my BP is normally quite low. It is difficult to know whether a BP reading taken in my arm is "normal" as I have unusually shaped arms on account of my disability. Usually quite a challenge to get a reading at all!

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs

I'm only 18 hours into my fast, after a late supper last night. A bit snacky today, but warding it off with black coffee (and some cream). Feel fine for getting through tonight, though foolishly am going to slow cook a ragu/chilli tonight. Will let you know if the smell drives me insane.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

Found sitting at home at dinner time was making me crazy, so went for a long walk. Came home to cup of chicken broth with a splash of cream 😋. Obsessing a little about food, but I haven't cheated.

Sleep well, everyone.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

I had trouble getting to sleep, but I have I don't think that was fasting per se. I usually drink wine in the evening, so I don't think my body is used to settling down without that. When I finally did get to sleep, it was undisturbed, also due to the absence of wine. Wine was a big reason for me taking this fast seriously. I was glad to be hungry last night, as I had been concerned not drinking would have been harder than not eating. Phew, it wasn't!

I've just hit 36 hours, my minimum time. So that's great. I don't think I will have much trouble fasting through today, and right now I am planning to continue tomorrow. Wednesday I will eat, because lockdown starts on Thursday. I will visit a Lebanese restaurant that I love, and have myself a pile of meat - after breaking the fast more gently.

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Subtle_badger

Hi, Subtle_badger - I am 48 hours in, and I too will break my fast on Wednesday - as I have a pacemaker review and an osteopath appointment on Thursday. I only feel faint when I am on my feet, so driving would probably not be a problem - but it is better to be cautious.

I am feeling fine - and I too am having cream in my coffee - I usually have 600ml or 2,790 calories of cream a week with my muesli and yoghurt, so I have it in coffee instead - but that is nearly 400 calories a day! (I have to keep up to my target weight somehow.)

I do often use the bus to get to my osteopath appointment, but I do not want to use the bus during the pandemic.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to S11m

All very sensible. It's hard to reply to you, as you really have it all worked out.

Getting on a bus, during a pandemic, over 70, 100 hours fasted? No, eat your breakfast, and drive!

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Subtle_badger

Thank you - I take that as a compliment!

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to S11m

I hope so! it was meant as a compliment.

in reply to S11m

You're doing soo well S11m 🙆‍♀️👏👏

in reply to Subtle_badger

Congratulations abstaining from alcohol S_b and glad to hear you're going strong!

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs

Do I get a badge and who will award me one?? 72 hour fast completed...

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Pineapple27

Hidden ?

I think Stoozie is too busy these days.

in reply to Pineapple27

Hi Pineapple27 I've assigned your badge thank you for alerting me Subtle_badger .

Stoozie has 4 boys and her hubby is an NHS worker so has a lot on her plate and has to put her priorities right and I hope that her and her family are all getting on OK.

So thanks for bearing with me folks.

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs in reply to

Thank you Hidden !

in reply to Pineapple27

Hey you’re welcome Pineapple27 its very well deserved and we’re all impressed. 😊

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to

Just in case my intention wasn't obvious, I mentioned her because I didn't want to ignore her. I know the work she put in before the pandemic, and don't want to act as if she doesn't exist.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs

Hulk HANGRY! 😡

This hasn't happened to me since my early days of fasting, but I was not a happy bunny tonight.

I got really snippy with someone needy I am trying to help. She shouted at me because I was late delivering her groceries, and so I told her I wouldn't be able to help her any more. I don't know if I meant it and I don't know if she took me seriously. Then when someone did something trying to be nice that unintentionally messed up something for me, I burst into tears. Luckily I was communicating virtually, so she didn't realise.

I also found my energy flagging as I dashed around town doing errands, covering about 40km. Last time I did a multiday fast, I felt the same as I did normally.

When I got home, after checking the label, I decided that mascarpone was low enough in protein and carbs to probably not break my fast, so had a bit as a snack, and then stirred some into chicken broth. Hanger suppressed for now!

50 hours into the fast (I'm not counting cheese or broth as food), we will see how I feel in morning. Most likely will break the fast. If I am more hangry than I was this evening when I hear election results, someone may die!

in reply to Subtle_badger

Hey good luck with your fast SB and please remember tensions are high for everyone with the second lockdown imminent so take care and don't let them get to you. 👍

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20

I give up.

I did not sleep well last night (but the AutoSleep app tells me I do not need to get to bed until 02:30!) and I feel rough.

If I had not got appointments this week I might have carried on regardless - but I will break my fast this morning - after 72 hours.

I did think that the cream I have been having with my morning coffee was helping.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to S11m

We have to listen to our bodies, and I think beyond 72 hours it might be in the territory of diminishing returns. 72 hours is so far beyond most people's imagination, you should be pleased.

I just came on to say the same thing. This has been my hardest fast. Usually I feel normal, with brief hunger pangs that quickly vanish. But Sunday night I felt really really hungry, yesterday was blah (see hangry above), and I have been hungry since I woke up this morning, have a bit of a headache and am mildly unwell. Waiting for the Zero widget to click up to 60 hours, then I am done.

Have a good day.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to Subtle_badger

1 minute to go!!

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to Subtle_badger

That is a coincidence - my 72 hours were up two minutes ago!

I have some yoghurt in the fridge - and I have booked lunch in the local cafe.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger16Kg IF 72hrs in reply to S11m

Sounds good. The yogurt (+berries and seeds) wasn't enough, so I just ate a tin of sardines.

Breakfast of champions!

Pineapple27 profile image
Pineapple27IF 72hrs

I do seem to be doing things a little differently. Last night, just could not sleep. Only 2hrs 48mins of sleep... no deep sleep - wide awake from 4am. But feel fine as of right now (2.15pm) - of course, it may catch up with me later, which would be typical as I have to read through 17 job application forms and score (shortlisting)!

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