I started fasting via Michael Mosley's Fast800. So low calorie (I was between 800-1000 kcal/day), low carb, IF. In the first month I lost 7.4kg, and 10cm off my waist.
Then I joined HU, took advice from various people and upped the calories a lot. I've enjoyed the food, and it's definitely a WOE that I can see myself doing forever, but the weight loss slowed and the waist loss virtually ended. In the last 4 months I have only lost another 5kg and more worryingly, only 1 cm. The waist is a double concern, because it's only 2cm from being a symptom for metabolic syndrome, and it's still 10cm more than it was 5 years ago. I wasn't menopausal then, but still that 10cm must be fat. I haven't grown an organ in the meantime. That says to me I have a ton of belly fat. And the mirror seemed to tell me that maybe a pot belly was starting.
Well, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result, so last week I started a fast that ended up going for 60 hours. I stopped then because of precautions due to CV19. But I felt good, so dabbled with ADF, doing 36 hour fasts on Saturday and yesterday. Well, yesterday was a cheese fast (that's now a thing!), because I snacked a little in the evening 😳
I got on the scale this morning, and was disappointed to see it unmoved - actually at the high end of my fluctuations - but then I walked past a mirror and did a double take. Got out a tape measure, I have lost 3cm off my waist in 7 days!!
This ties in with studies I have read that fasting and VLCD are better for targeting visceral fat. That certainly seems true for me.
(I know I said no fasting during CV19, but that was 2 months ago. I've continued IF in the meantime, and now i feel I can do slightly extended fasts safely. I am excited to try a longer fast when the world is safer)