I started electrical stimulation in June for my BP and although my facial muscles did improve I became worried about the taught ness in my skin so stopped. I have recently suffered increased synkinesis and have read that electrical stimulation can increase the likelihood of this. Any thoughts?
Synkinesis and Electrical Stimulation. - Facial Palsy UK
Synkinesis and Electrical Stimulation.

There are a number of different devices currently used by health professionals under the general umbrella of "Electrical Stimulation". Anyone considering this treatment should seek advice from a health professional (physiotherapist or speech and language therapist) who has specialist experience in the management of facial palsy.
Electrical stimulation is not a suitable treatment for everyone with facial palsy and should be used with caution.
People who are recovering from facial palsy naturally experience the following sequence of events. Initially the muscles are weak and floppy then as the nerve recovers the muscles regain their tone and begin to look and move more normally. However the facial muscles can then gain too much tone and become tight and uncomfortable. In many cases this coincides with the development of involuntary movement called "synkinesis". (see facialpalsy.org.uk/advice/g...
People who use additional electrical stimulation over muscles which are already tight, bunched and stiff will be making the muscles even tighter. In this context electrical stimulation is not advised and in all cases should only be used if carefully monitored by an experienced therapist who regularly treats people with facial palsy. We hope this helps answer your question.
A good physiotherapist will advise that Sinkinesis will occur regardless of whether a facial stimulator is used. I had not used one at all, but severe sinkinesis did occur. Following a carefully managed routine of facial exercises the stimulator has meant that I no longer have the sinkinesis and the face is more relaxed.