So this is going to be a long post apologies but we're new to this errr journey I guess. Will start with a bit of background for context sake. I am dyslexic so apologies if this jumps around a bit! Here goes.My son will be 3 in December. He is a picky eater and with his character being very head strong well stubborn really lol ๐ there is little movement on this tho things are minimally getting a little better currently on this front. Not by much but anything is something I guess. He's been picky since just before he turned 2 before that he was BLW and would try anything and ate appropriate amounts as stopped milk at 1 he was not intrested in it after his bottles stopped.
He never had bowel issues as a baby but did have silent reflux needing omeprizol.
With the picky eating he started to switch between what I'd call mild constipation and being loose but not like diarrhea just mushy. The constipation always resolved once he'd have a better eating day both in food type and food amounts. He will not eat veg currently and hasn't for a good while he has literally had a fork of brocoli 2 times in this whole year ๐ณ no exaduration! But he will eat fruit at times a good variety amount but has gone through fazes of only eating occasional apples with the skin off !
He has never gone longer than 3 days without a poo. Usually 2 days but 3 when he has been ill and eaten less.
He can some days eat all day for like a week but he'll also have stages of Luke 2 or 3 days in a row of eating next to nothing . He dosent have a typical food that he will eat consistently every time so whilst there are safer foods he will eat most the time these can still be refused. He is just not and has never really been food motivated so that's difficult.
So I expect the bouts of short term constipation were diet related due to the days he didn't get much fiber and due to the eat very little days!
So that's the main background sorry it's looong! So about a month and a half ago he was waking up upset crying amd them bringing up fluid that was not vomit. So we went to the gp a lovely Jr doc who was very thorough saw us we did s0eak about his constipation but told her it always resolved and we gave him fruit juice sometimes which seemed to help. She palpate his tummy found no reason for bringing up the fluid there. She did see his nose was blocked and said it could be post nasal drip due to it happening at night. Prescribed saline nose spray issue solved but she noted that his weight had dropped from 50th centile when HV saw him at 2.5 years to 25th centile. So we have him being kept an eye on for that .
So now we get more to the crux of things and questions! Last Friday at family childcare my son went to the loo my mum took him he did a poo that she said took no straining at all didn't take long to come out and was a good poo like no 4 on stool chart . She noticed a little blood in the loo and on wiping . He didn't poo the sat but the Sunday he did and there was a little blood then (red both times) so we requested a gp appointment Monday morning which we did not get till Thursday. We had no more blood and had had good no 4 poos. Que gp appointment different Dr who zoned straight into the constipation not saying wrongly so but dod not seem to have the time for discussion and dismissed my question of IBS (asked as me and my mum both diagnosed with IBS and different auto immune issues). She said the blood was likely due to something constipation had done (despite it happening during a not constipated time??) And prescribed movicol. Very little instruction just that we would need to figure out the dose and to ensure he had 2 soft poos a day ! Can we really expect 2 poos every day like on days when he has a spate of eating Very little how is he going to have enough to poo that much? She didn't say how long to give him it for or how long it takes to work or what to expect or look out for at all.
We gave him half a sachet yesterday with the idea of working up to figure out. He was farty all day and in the afternoon he had a shart in his pants (we potty trained him in august)and he had no idea it was coming bless him. Last night I looked at movicol on NHS Web to see if more info and it states to give when child is constipated which I don't think he was when we saw gp and is not atm so should he be taking it should it have been prescribed? She did also palpate his tummy no issue and he is slim so if figure you'd feel something?
This morning he farted and it was v wet sounding he is good with knowing when he needs to poo and I asked did he need to go he said no we checked him as well that sound was wet ! He had a skid we popped him on the loo and 2 soft blobs followed that he has no idea were coming. This is from the same half sachet yesterday as not had it yet today!
So I am just so unsure now ! Also on days he decides to eat aloy of fruit is movicol still a good idea !??
He doesn't wothold poo toileting wise he announces right away to us and goes lol. He understands getting poo out keeps his tummy OK. Feels like if we go from him knowing when he needs to poo to him not will not do him much good !!
Sorry this is soo long but just feel so lost and unsure and GP who prescribed was just very uninformative and the convo with her was very closed .
Felt like the Jr dr was better but if we request to see them to question all this are they likely to side with the other doc as she is senior to her? Not saying other Dr was wrong but not feeling very informed by them ether.
Sorry again ๐.