Has my daughter reached disimpaction? I can see bits of blueberries but no poo and it looks like tea in colour.
Disimpaction : Has my daughter reached disimpaction? I... - ERIC

Still too dark
Keep going

Dear Roastlover , if you would describe her poo as watery with bits in which is seems to be from the photo then, yes. We don't tend to worry about the colour of the poo, because that very much depends on what she has eaten. best wishes, ERIC
New picture today is Disimpaction or not
It's really difficult to tell from a photo I'm afraid, we don't see many photos. I'd have said that the first photo on this post (18 hours ago) was more the consistency we would describe as watery with bits in. This one seems too thick
Bladder and bowl have told me to do another day of 8 sashes and hopefully she will go back to the picture from the 18 hours ago post but what if we do go back to that picture and I start cutting her sashes thinking it's disimpaction and the next day she had the waterery thick poo again we will be back to square one.So worrying

it sounds as though you are getting lots of advice, which in itself can become quite stressful. Are you mixing the sachets up with at least 62.5 ml water per sachet before adding it to anything? And make sure that your daughter is drinking 6-8 cups of water in addition to the laxative.
I know this is an old post but can't seem to find advice, my daughter cannot drink the required doses plus daily water intake, she just can't fit it what are we meant to do? Meant to be 6 sachets today and we just about manged 5, and she's barely drunk a cup of water on top as its just too much. At what point do I say right stop with the movicol liquid for today you need to drink fluids or you are going to get dehydrated?Also not eaten barely anything all day as she says she's full up from the movicol.
Not sure how on earth we will get anywhere near 8 sachets tomorrow 😭
sorry to jump on old post, what did you end up doing?
My 2year old is the same, can’t drink extra water on top of all the movicol. I can barley even get 6 sachets into her let alone the biggest dose of 8 plus extra fluids!!
She just could t do it, then started refusing so I went back down again, she's now on 1 sachet per day and is regular, it's really hard for little ones to take on that much fluid,, it was making her ill, she was pale, couldn't eat, and when we did manage 5 she threw up. But I don't think she was impacted in the first place tbh, we never had old poo, was just like brown liquid
Thank you for your reply xx it is making my little one ill same as yours too, on top of that she’s fighting a cold/flu. Have decided to just get what we can into her while she’s sick, it’s important she drinks normal water while she’s sick. She’s had an X-ray at the start and definitely impacted however yesterday was like 10 big watery poos (but then nothing but a few skid marks today, but she also hasn’t been eating much) so I’m hoping she’s almost there and it’ll be fine to ease off it a little now anyway
Were you using the kids movicol or adult?
Good luck, it's so hard isn't it, paediatric movicol, the only way mine will take it is mixed with water then a small bit of milk, it completely hides the taste and it's the least amount of fluid you can get it really as you need loads to hide it in squash (and she won't drink squash) so we do the sachet mixed, like a cm of milk.on top and a milk shake straw. Then I also make movicol jelly which she has if she fancies it, 4 sachets to a cubed pack (again I lessen the extra water keep the movicol water tlas it should be made) one OK jelly dissolved in 200 ml boiling water, 4 sachets made up (comes to about 300mls) then I add crcuhes ice to make the water up to 409ml and cold to add to the diaoved jelly. Split into 4 containers which make sit a sachet each. I tried it originally woth the full water amount the packet asks for but I find it's more manageable with these measurements. (brings it to 600ml instead of I think the packets would be 900ml ish from memory)