My son has been withholding since we started potty training almost 2 months ago. In the beginning he would happily sit on the toilet/potty at the same time every day after meals. We read books, sang songs etc and he seemed fine. He has now worked out that these toilet sits eventually lead to him doing a poo. He has completely refused to do them the last 2 weeks and I have tried everything from playing on the ipad, drawing pictures, watching TV. He is not having it. When he does a pee, he instantly stands up once he is finished and demands that he is not sitting any longer. I've no idea how things changed but it did and I don't know how to get back to regular toilet sits to help his wihtholidng. He is on daily movicol (it's adjusted every day depending on how long he holds on for) and after 3 days of holding, I start the stimulant (doctors advice).
Any advice would be very welcome. I'll try anything.