Can anyone recommend night time pants for my boy. We use pull ups on a night but our usual brand has changed and he has soaked through 5 nights in a row now 😢 he is quite skinny so we use size 6 nappy pants but he does wee a lot in the night. Happy to look at reusable or disposable. Thank you
Nappy pants for 7 year old: Can anyone recommend night... - ERIC
Nappy pants for 7 year old

Try ASDA's or Lidl's you may be better with a nappy not a pull ups they don't hold very well its the same with my 8 years old man

Thank you we did use asdas but they have changed and are no where near as absorbant. Thanks might look at nappies instead just don't want it to make him feel worse going back to nappies 😢
Try Huggies drinites size 4-6, they are very absorbent and work a treat. Get in to habit of no drinks after 6pm, wee just before going to sleep.
I saw size 7 nappy pants in aldi the other day when I was in for other things.
Perhaps you could try them.
I wasn't overly impressed by Drynites, there ok for daytime wetting but Sophie would soak right through them at night, to the point she would wake up in a wet bed, it was really upsetting her, she wasn't getting back to sleep, and I had to get her up early for a bath so she didn't smell of wee, but it was still affecting her at school.