My son started 15 hours a week free nursery provision in January after turning 3 on 28 Dec. He had constipation when younger and has been on and off Cosmocol (macrogol stool softener) since about 18 months old.
He only toilet trained just before starting nursery and decided he didn't want to use their toilets and indeed then didn't want to poo ever again. Stool withholding started. He's in pants all day and nappy at night purely as a back up.
The school nursery suggested he take some time at home to work on the issue as he was soiling in class and they do not take non toilet trained children.
They've now informed me that he will shortly lose his nursery place and as the issue is not resolved he will have to find another nursery that will take children who soil. We are doing everything I think we can but it will not be solved overnight for him.
I understand there are lots of rights for mandatory school age children to clarify the role schools must play in supporting them but I really don't know where I stand with the nursery. I researched hard when choosing and he really likes the nursery. It would be a real blow to start from scratch in choosing another and settling him in again. Does a school nursery have the right just to turn him away?
If so what's the best way to find a nursery that will support him? It's not like the local government website list of provisions includes a flag for 'positive about poo'.
Sorry for the rambling but would really appreciate any help/insight you have. I've been lurking on here and found your posts really helpful when supporting my boy.
Best regards