The Cochrane Review Group are looking for parents and clinicians to peer review a review: Conservative treatment for functional daytime urinary incontinence in children
If you would be interested in helping out with this please see below for more details and who to contact.
We are currently looking for suitable peer reviewers for the above review. Ideally, we would love to be able to engage with a clinician as well as someone with experience of daytime wetting in children, particularly a parent, carer or other non-clinician, to provide feedback about the review. We would therefore be very grateful if you could put out a call to see if anyone is interested in acting in either of these capacities.
Training and access to helpful resources is available throughout the process, and we are always happy to answer questions. It would be enormously helpful to have any peer review feedback by 7 June 2019 but there may be a degree of flexibility if this is not feasible.
Contact: Eugenie Johnson -
Editorial Assistant, Cochrane Incontinence |Institute of Health & Society | Newcastle University |The Baddiley-Clark Building | Newcastle upon Tyne | NE2 4AX | UK