Hi, I'm at a bit of a sticking point with our 3y 7mth son. Please bear with me, this may be a bit jumbled!....
Our toilet training journey has taken an alternative route starting with him refusing a nappy at night-time (huge risk :D) and him being dry. He still wanted no nappy next morning so thought this was the start of our toilet training journey and arranged for a bare bummed few days. (Our potty had been available for a while with no interest other than to put his toy cars in it). We had a couple of misses, and one sort-of hit (stood with his foot in it!) but next day he hung on for pretty much all day becoming increasingly uncomfortable until I insisted on a nappy and he did the biggest, and almost painful, pee ever.
Since then we've gone to cloth training pants as we've battled with stool withholding (now resolved) for the past year so don't want to risk a UTI from holding on too long. He asks for a nappy to pee/poo, which he then takes off as soon as he's finished, so he clearly knows when he needs to go. His bladder control is amazing (almost too good) and yesterday he was asking to go home from softplay rather than wet himself/use the potty/toilet (until he realised I had a nappy in his bag - nappy on, big pee, pants back on). So in his head the nappy is still for elimination. I suggest the alternatives prior to putting the nappy on but he's not having any of it. We've bought another potty (he chose it) and we also have the option of a toilet seat and step but I just can't seem to get that connection in his head. We won't even sit on them fully clothed.
So, how the heck do I swap out the nappy??? We've never used stickers/ marbles for treats so far, he's incredibly determined so not altogether sure this would work, but open to trying. I'm slightly scared of boxing up the nappies completely knowing how long he'll hold on for. Like me, he can comfortably go for 12hrs without needing to go - great for long journeys