Hi I'm a bedwetter, who is 15 years old. I still am in diapers at night and try my best to be discreet about it towards others. I'm just here joining for support and questions!
Hello!: Hi I'm a bedwetter, who is 15 years old. I... - ERIC
Hallo Land03,
My son is 15 also and wets the bed. He has functional constipation which makes it much worse if it all starts to back up and so he monitors carefully and uses Movicol and Senna. He also uses Desmomelts (120mg) at night; always if he is away from home on sleepovers or school trips and sometimes at home (used to be much more regular at home, but we are investigating different things these days to try to get a more permanent resolution).
Have you accessed proper help and referral through your doctor?
I have had help through my doctor. I've also gone to see a urologist and right now I am doing an excercise that can help reduce bedwetting; it's called the "keggel excercise". I reccomend your son trying this, it really helps.
Hi Land03,
been away - just saw your reply. Thanks for that. I had a quick look. A possibility perhaps worth investigating. Thanks
I am the same as you. I am 16 and wet both day and night. I also have trouble with pooping. I know it is hard and feel you completely and your situation. I know how you feel. Any thing you want to ask feel free to message me.