I’m glad this forum exists. I feel calmer having read other stories tonight. I came on here stressed after a bad day with my daughter having five accidents! After yesterday where she had only one! Reading others experiences makes me feel better, knowing she’s not alone. 🙂
Glad this forum exists: I’m glad this forum exists. I... - ERIC
Glad this forum exists
Me too, it’s my sanctuary and helps me keep perspective, I’m grateful to everyone who posts. Here we know others really understand the frustration and heartache and also appreciate the little moments of joy when there’s been an improvement.
You’re not alone, here we all understand xxxxx
It's helpful to read that others are in a similar situation. I feel a bit low as I put my 4yo back in nappies yesterday during the day and I'll be doing it again today. He wont enjoy it but with all the mess I'm staying firm this time and he'll be in a nappy until things improve.
I really do understand. My 9 and half year old has been in nappies since January following severely impacted bowel on the advice of the continence nurse. I’m hoping to get him out of them in the summer holidays but the nurse has said if he’s not ready then he may need to stay in them longer.
You have to do what is right for your child, they are all different and sometimes they just need some time to let things settle into a comfortable routine.
I have to tweak the movicol to keep him loose enough so he doesn’t withhold but not so loose it’s runny.
Your daughter will get there. Trust yourself and know you are not alone!
Yes i have done the same with my 6yr old daughter. She wears pull ups everyday as the wee just comes out without her knowing and until someone tells me whats wrong and how to treat it its the only way she can enjoy her life and do all the things a 6 yr old wants to.
Hi, he is very strong willed an thinks it is funny to wet himself. Nappies were a last resort although I had been mentioning to him I would use them if need be. He's in terry squares at the moment which is a bit of a chore at changing but it is at least cheap
I LOVE this forum. For months I felt so alone and isolated. Even though I've never met anybody of the forum I feel like they all understand where I'm coming from. It's so nice to know other families are going through the same thing or have roughly the same issues and I'm not the only one. It's good to swap ideas and vent on the forum too.
Seriously. It is so helpful to know we're not alone. We've been battling enuresis for years now (my son is 9.5) and I've felt so overwhelmed, frustrated, and alone. I wish our doctors had told me about this site! We are in the U.S., where it seems there is less support than in the UK...