My 6 year old has suffered for the last 3 years now. She can go anything up to 4 weeks without having a proper bowel movement and then that's after loads of Movical and suppositories. I am getting so worried about her health she has also been diagnosed with coeliac disease.
Hiya all what is the longest time your child has gone... - ERIC
Hiya all what is the longest time your child has gone without a bowel movement? Due to withholding.
Hiya, my son (age 9) can’t go at all at the moment. He was only going with hospital enemas but we went to see paediatric gastroenterologist this week and he said no more enemas, just 4/5 sachets of movicol a day and wait 2-4 weeks and then if the GP can feel lumps poo in his tummy, start disimpaction dose of movicol. He just soils 24/7, (2 pads in at all times and multiple pants changes). The longest he’s been without going is 7/10 days but it will go up to 2 weeks now I’m sure. I will try disimpaction dose week after next week I guess as it’s half term. The gastro man said it can take months for the bowel to heal 🙄. My son has gastritis too so getting him to take the movicol is hard. Is your daughter under a paediatric gastroenterologist? I really pushed for the referral as I was so worried about my son. I think it helps to have an expert involved. He’s also on the waiting list for clinical health psychologist from the hospital and we have school nurse involved now as well who is going to do some work with him about his feelings. We still get him to sit on the toilet every day but it’s tricky coz nothing happens and I think he feels it never will. Hopefully you have lots of support in place and somone expert involved you feel you can trust. We’re going back to see gastroenterologist in 6 weeks and I will push hard to not be discharged from his team as they are the most expert team in our region. Good luck xx