Just joined as my son has been put on a decompacting regime, on movicol. He hates the sachets so much. It's just he and me and I've found it stressful. Great to know I'm not alone and this forum and charity is here. Been a fought day. Sharon
I'm a new member, great to know there's such a forum... - ERIC
I'm a new member, great to know there's such a forum and charity specifically for these issues.
Hello Heavenbound!
You are in the right place and in very good company indeed! How old is your son? The only way we made it through disimpaction with my 12 year old daughter was outright bribery, initially screen time and more recently $$ so that she can top up her phone.
The taste of the sachets is very distinct and in the past we had good success with cranberry juice and lemon barley but the problem with disimpaction was the sheer volume. You may have to resort to giving him something that he isn't normally allowed like cordial. 😬
Hang in there! This too shall pass.
Wishing you both every success xxx
The Laundrymaid
Hi there. I know the struggle to get children to drink movicol, have you tasted it? It is quite horrid. We used to add it to strawberry milkshake.
Just a thought if you cannot get your son to drink it, when my daughter was first disimpacted it was with sodium picosulphate prescribed by gp. It was administered by 5ml spoon and was very powerful stuff. Cleared her out quickly and was messy. I would have really struggled to have had to have given her multiple sachets if movicol per day. After the clear out she was then put on maintainance dose of movicol (one sachet per day)
Good luck with it all x
Some tips I have for getting mine to drink it (after making it with tap water)
-put it in a cold or hot drink, seems to hide it;
-Milk or soy milk or milkshakes work well;
-A straw or even cheap baby bottle (at home when no one is looking!) really works.
Good luck!
My 4 and a half year old boy refused to drink more than about 40 ml of Lax Sachets ( it's Movicol but under a different name here in NZ) a day, which I administered with a syringe. So when the paediatrician talked about taking 4,6 etc. sachets a day for disimpaction, I knew I couldn't get my son to drink it. I was then given a prescription for Picoprep, 2 sachets for 2 days. That was powerful medication, and wasn't too bad to administer. Basically bribed my son with lollies to drink 10 ml at a time.
We are doing another disimpaction now, he is 5 and a half, using Lax Sachets and it's been 2 days, nothing but the usual soiling. I would rather have Picoprep but the paediatrician is on paternity leave and the GP can't prescribe it.
We are in NZ too and did a disimpaction with lax sachets. For disimpaction we used a bottle of lemon cordial to flavour the liquid but on a daily basis we make up the sachet with water then stir it into a warm malted chocolate drink which is my daughters preferred method of having it. The Continence nurse at Wellington hospital was amazed that this is what my daughter chose but it works for her! The trick is to find something they want - it may not be part of your usual diet but it's important to get the medicine in. Use a straw too - liquids go in much faster through a straw. Just think this is a medicine and non negotiable! Don't forget to get them to brush their teeth morning and night 😀.
Best of luck with disimpaction, hope it works out for you both.
The Laundrymaid xx
PS bribes may help too - screen time or legotime?