Hi all, this is my first post so be kind!
My 9 almost 10 yr old son has always wet the bed. When he was younger I was told time and time again that he would grow out of it. Last October after some begging my GP put him on desmopressin which initially worked for a couple of weeks, then we went back to bed wetting. GP then doubled the dose, again saw an initial improvement but went back to bed wetting. This is when I then pressed for a referral. I bought an alarm while waiting for a referral. This wakes everyone in the house apart from my son. We still wake him about 10.30-11 every night to go to the toilet. Which he never remembers when asked in the morning. Saw consultant in April, and he is now on Oxybutinin 2.5 in morning and night. Initially this had an impact and we saw this staring to work alongside alarm. My son then wanted to stop alarm which we did. Since being on school hols (diff routine) everything has gone wrong. He is wetting untold amounts. He has been wearing huggies PJ pants but even this can't hold the amount of wee he is producing of a night. I really do not know what else to do. Next appointment with consultant in sept.
Questions I have and things we've tried:
1. What else is there to try after oxybutinin as everything I've read has lead me to believe this is a wonder drug for this issue?
2. Are there any other nighttime more absorbent pants I can get him? He is a big boy for his age and I just think these are now becoming too small as well as him producing untold amounts of wee.
3. I am worried silly about a residential he is going on with school next May for a whole week. What can I do?
4. I believe he has an overactive bladder as has sudden urges to go during the day. There has been times he used to leak, however I feel he no longer leakes during the day since being on oxybutinin.
5. I've started setting his watch to vibrate every hour so he goes to the toilet to empty his bladder whether he feels he needs to go or not. We did this before school holidays started and I think it helped. We then went on holiday and like everything routine went out the window. Got back at the weekend and today got back to going to the toilet every hour.
6. We have stopped blackcurrant now for about 6 months.
Any help or advise from anyone in the same boat would be really appreciated. TIA 🙂