I've been prescribed prochloperazine for dizziness and bppv. The GP googled interactions with the seizure medications but couldn't find anything to say these medicines cant be taken together. Does anyone else take the dizziness medication along with anti seizure meds. I'm on 500mg keppra twice a day and 50mf lacosamide twice a day. This new medication is 5mg up to 3 times a day. Dawn
Epilepsy medication and Prochloperazine - Epilepsy Action
Epilepsy medication and Prochloperazine

Hi Dawn, I take Keppra and occasionally need to Prochlorperazine for vertigo and dizziness, I haven’t been told not to, unfortunately it’s something that can come on so suddenly but most days I can do without it.
Thanks for answering Ashant.Since having a grommet fitted in August 2024, the disorientation seems to have gotten worse, especially in cold weather and later on in the day, everyday. The medication for dizziness helps but next morning I feel terrible so I haven't taken anymore. I have BPPV. All this is the result of having a blocked eustachian tube 2 and a half years ago and been disorientated ever since.

Hi Dawn43
Its good to check interactions. We would suggest you talk to the prescribing doctor and also check with your pharmacist.
You can also check on the British National Formulary bnf.nice.org.uk/drugs/
Here is a link to prochlorperazine bnf.nice.org.uk/interaction...