I cant remember what it was called it was a strange thing beginning with T I will get my GP to write it down for me when I next see her in a few days time that she said my neurologist had told her I had to do with my epilepsy means that at times my limbs go numb!
Has anyone ever experienced this before? - Epilepsy Action
Has anyone ever experienced this before?

I hope you hear from others on this platform, as sharing information and experiences can be a good idea.
I’m wondering if it may have been Todd’s Paralysis that was mentioned by your neurologist. A very small number of people find they have temporary weakness or can’t move part of their body after they’ve had a seizure. This is called Todd’s Paralysis or Todd’s paresis. It can last from a few minutes up to 36 hours, before going away.
Can I just check you also know about our other services?
We have our Talk and Support groups (epilepsy.org.uk/support-for-you/talk-and-support-virtual-groups) and befriending service (epilepsy.org.uk/support-for-you/epilepsy-befriending).
We also have a membership offer which is designed to help people stay up to date with all the latest epilepsy news, views and research: epilepsy.org.uk/involved/join
Finally, if you think it may be helpful to speak to one of our advisers in more detail you can contact us by live chat or the Epilepsy Action Helpline freephone 0808 800 5050. Our helpline is open Monday to Friday 8.30am until 5.00pm and Saturday 10.00am until 4.00pm: epilepsy.org.uk/support-for-you/the-epilepsy-action-helpline
Epilepsy Action Helpline Team
That's helpful as I thought it was only me but I have muscle weakness from the waist down and spend hours after a seizure before I have the ability to stand, I cant lift my legs up initially. I take a couple of weeks to recover because of tiredness and weakness. Nobody has ever said there was a name for it.
Like wise, I thought it was just me and I was weird. Nobody said it was linked to epilepsy in a small percentage of people. It's really nice to know we arent the only ones. Thank you.
You are welcome it is nice to feel understood!