My husband has passed on his cold to me. I started with a tickly cough, now nose is bunged up, coughing is rattly, more so on the right side and head feels dizzy constantly. Ears also feel blocked. Im worried incase it triggers a seizure, as epilepsy nurse told me that viruses can trigger seizures. In general, i feel lousy and anxiety is through the roof. Got a lot going on with hubby also, he had an emergency appendictomy in January. When it was sent off to be tested, it was found to have a very rare type of cancer. He's now waiting for Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy in May so stress levels are also sky high. Does anyone else feel as though the cold is in your head as well as chest?
Colds and epilepsy : My husband has passed... - Epilepsy Action
Colds and epilepsy

Hi Dawn43 Sorry to hear you're going through all of the stress. I would suggest doing something to help with that - mindfulness/yoga or something to keep stress levels down a bit (easier said than done I know!)
I was diagnosed with epilepsy over 20 years ago and have had many colds/viruses along the way and it hasn't caused any seizures, so I think as long as you keep taking your medication (assuming you take meds) and rest as much as you can you should be fine. Sometimes blocked sinuses can make you feel as though it's all bunged up in your head and ear infections can cause dizzyness.
Look after yourself so you can be in a good place to support your husband x
Thanks for replying. Sinuses are a bit painful at the moment and both ears feel full. Had a focal seizure last night along with a terrible headache. I am on medication for epilepsy but i think i should speak to epilepsy nurse this week. As for hubby, I tell him not to think negative and try to reassure him that he'll be ok, but sometimes i feel like im going to break down.
Dawn x
Viruses, infections and high temperatures can be triggers for some, but not for others. All those who suffer from epilepsy will have different triggers, and unless you have been affected in the past by these events there us no reason why you should be now.
More concerning are your symptoms, which seem to indicate both possible sinus and chest infections. You really need to get these checked as soon as you can, as they are not symptoms associated with the common cold. Stress and shock can obviously exacerbate the situation, leaving you more likely than others to pick up infections. You obviously find yourself in a very difficult situation at the moment but you need to look after yourself in order to be able to help your husband. I wish you both well.
Thanks for replying. I've never felt this bad with a cold. I do have sinusitis and its making it uncomfortable to sleep. Cough is starting to break up so hopefully it will be gone soon. I have a fear of choking so i don't like to cough too much. As with seizures, i had a focal last night so went to bed. They are frightening because when ive had seizures before, I've woke up in Resus after being treated for Status.
Dawn x