Any problems with LED light units? - Epilepsy Action

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Any problems with LED light units?

Hermanm profile image
4 Replies

Hi ,

I had a massive fit in my sleep last January,

Was taken to A/E ,

given all the tests , everything ok .

Have since spoken to a consultant apparently I'm epileptic.

A few months later I had some kind of memory loss episode , ( best way I can describe it) nothing permanent, but very unnerving,

I then had a face to face with the same consultant in October, more or less said I've got epilepsy, and I'd be going for tests, when?

Who can say?

Yesterday I had another memory loss episode,

again not very pleasant , but after an hour or so I was back to normal,

The one thing in common with these episodes is their location.

My shed! I spend a lot of time in there , so it got me thinking,

Is there anything new in there ,

Something I've changed ,

Well there is , as it happens.

The lights,

In 2019 , I installed LED flat panel lights. Instead of a large florescent unit.

I was wondering if anyone has had any problems regarding LED lighting.

They are quite a recent invention,

so may not be on the experts radar as yet!

One thing I have noted is ,

if you video the LED unit with your camera phone ,

you do get a very noticeable moving black bland effect going across the screen.

Thanks for any help.

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4 Replies
EpilepsyAction1 profile image
EpilepsyAction1PartnerEpilepsy Action

Dear Hermanm

This must be a shock been told you have epilepsy after just one seizure. When someone has epilepsy, it means they have a tendency to have epileptic seizures.

Anyone can have a one-off seizure, but this doesn’t always mean they have epilepsy. Epilepsy is usually only diagnosed if a doctor thinks there is a high chance that the person could have more seizures.

Here is a link to our information on how epilepsy is diagnosed. Diagnosing epilepsy | Epilepsy Action

It would be best to mention these memory lapse to the consultant just in case its connected. If your symptoms are related to epilepsy, it could be some type of focal seizure. In these seizures the epileptic activity starts in just a part of your brain. You may remain alert during this type of seizure, or you may not be aware of what is happening around you.

Unless your LED lights are faulty and flicker, it’s unlikely the lights in your shed will trigger your seizures. When someone has photosensitive epilepsy, their seizures are triggered by flashing or flickering lights, or patterns.

Your doctor might ask you to have an electroencephalogram (EEG) test to help with your diagnosis. During the test, you will be asked to look at some flashing lights, to see whether your brainwave patterns change. If they do, it may mean you have photosensitive epilepsy.

I hope you hear from others on this platform, as sharing information and experiences can be a good idea. If you don’t hear from others in a similar situation, you may wish to try our other services.



Epilepsy Action Helpline Team

Hermanm profile image
Hermanm in reply to EpilepsyAction1

Hi Diane,Many thanks fo the reply,

I know that the LEDs have to flicker , to cause problems,

(BTW they all flicker , that's how they work)

The reason I mentioned it to the doctor was,

my partner was playing with her new phone , and unbeknownst to me was videoing me playing in the shed ,

When she replayed the footage, there was a very obvious flickering, and I mean very obvious!

I've since used my phone to video each of the 3 flat panels, and one in particular is very pronounced,

So I'm assuming that what my phone is picking up , my eyes must see it too.

However I couldn't notice it when I was in there!

Another thing I informed the doctor about was ,

I discovered that the diesel powered heater in the shed was leaking,

So for the best part of 16 months, 4 days a week ,

I'd been breathing in raw diesel exhausts,

He didnt seem t o think that could have caused a problem,

Even though I'd passed out twice in there!

I'm no expert, and I'm not the sharpest tool in the box,

but I'd at least think it might be a contributing factor.

Anyway that was in January, , in that time I've had one seizure/fit, not sure what you call

them, I woke up with my face in a tool box!

A bit unexpected, but I was aware straight away of what had happened,,

Bit of good news,

I got my first medication yesterday ,

Looking at the list of possible side effects,

I might just bin it,!!

To be honest , I'm not that impressed with the treatment I've had so far,

Just seemed to be ,

"We dont know what's wrong ,

but here's some tablets,

Good luck "

No licence now , so I suppose I could take up alcoholism for a hobby,


EpilepsyAction1 profile image
EpilepsyAction1PartnerEpilepsy Action in reply to Hermanm

Hi Hermanm

I can understand your frustration. As there isn’t an exact test for epilepsy, and finding the right medicine can all seem like trial and error.

In over half of all people with epilepsy, doctors can’t find a cause. As explained previously, to see if you have photosensitive epilepsy, they can do this during an EEG. I don’t have any research or resources to confirm if breathing in raw diesel exhausts would cause your symptoms.

It can be dauting when you see the list of possible side-effects of medicines. The risk of getting side-effects varies from person to person. Some people find their side-effects lessen over time, as their body gets used to taking their epilepsy medicines. If you have side-effects that continue, talk to your doctor. They might make changes to your epilepsy medicine to reduce the side-effects.

On a positive note, most people with epilepsy have their seizures controlled with their epilepsy medicine and have no side-effects. Let’s hope this will be the case for you.



Helpline Team

Hermanm profile image
Hermanm in reply to EpilepsyAction1

Hi , Diane Thanks for your help,

Looks like I'm just going to have to get used to it,

Probably wont be getting to drive again anytime soon..

Might as well become an alcoholic...😂😂😂😂



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