I was talking to a friend today about how I'm looking into getting help for my brother who has been informed he has Psychosomatic fits he was on lamotrogine for a short while years ago but got removed after just 6 months due to a move and never put back on the meds helped and reduced the fit's which is strange as I read that epilepsy meds don't normally do anything but my brother didn't know that when he was given this diagnosis that there is actually epilepsy in the family as I myself suffer with tonic-clonics the reason why my brother didn't know about this is because I was adopted before he was born and to my understanding there's no mention of epilepsy in his medical history so my friend mentioned today that as my brother is having so many of his version at the moment could it be possible that his version could actually be changing into true epilepsy like I have and should I try to get him retested? Or should I just do what I was originally aiming for and just get him back onto the medication he accidentally got taken off and see how we go from there?
Thanks for any advice