I've been on Carbamazepine and Phenytoin for the pass 30yrs, which have stopped my seizers, but very now and then sometimes up to three times a day I get like a seizer starting and then goes off and I feel a bit groggy for a few hours and everything settles down, I spoke to my Neurologist and she want to start me on Levetiracetam on top of the drugs I am already on, and then in year or so lapper off the old drugs. is the safe?
Is the safe to be on three different Drugs - Epilepsy Action
Is the safe to be on three different Drugs

Phenytoin is a much older drug(1938) And carbamazepine is also pretty old. (1965) Because they are older, the doctors know more about long term side-effects. So it may be that your doctor thinks what is happening for you could be connected to these older medicines. It would never be ideal to be on three drugs but sometimes there is good reason. I am guessing your doctor wants to introduce levetiracetam (introduced in 2000) before reducing either of the others, to make sure you have the best seizure control at all times. If they are thinking of reducing the phenytoin it will need to be done extremely slowly.I hope that’s useful information for you.
Epilepsy Action Helpline Team
Have you thought about having VNS treatment. If you do, you may be able to cut down to 1 - 2 medications
3 drugs is a lot. I am guessing you have refractory (drug resistant) epilepsy. In such cases vagal nerve stimulation is a very good option. It would possibly greatly reduce your seizures, and the amount of medication you would need to take
I did 25 years then had surgery

the VNS implant or another type of surgery. please share.