Hello all Im a medical student in london and i wanted to share with you a video i made about seizures, I hope you enjoy it and have a great day
Informational video about seizures - Epilepsy Action
Informational video about seizures

Dear MedicEne,
Thank you for sharing.
This is a great little video and I would love to share on my Facebook Page which is a Motivational and Information Page for those with epilepsy. I have had epilepsy for 42 years now (tonic clonic seizures) and luckily, am well controlled.
Should you wish to visit my page, please feel free to ask for the link.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Dear Lesley
Im really happy you liked it and yes please by all means do share it wherever you want :). Im really sorry to hear that, it must be so tough, is there anything that triggers it?
Oh yes please could I have the link?
Best wishes
Hi MedicEne,
My apologies for late response but I moved properties and had to move my ADSL line and connection.
I am sharing your video and my page link is as follows: facebook.com/EpilepsyMotive...! I hope you love the page.
Kind Regards,
Lesley Donnelly

Hi Lesley
Thank you very much I just had a look at the page, it is fantastic, thank you so much! I really appreciate it
Kind regards Jemil Ene
Hi Jemil,
You can see how many people love the video! I will be sharing in some groups I am Admin for and thank you for taking up the initiative to support all of us with epilepsy.
I am glad to see you on Facebook and have sent you a Friend Request... Hope you don't mind!

Hi Lesley
Yes I can see it! I had no idea people would like it so much. Yes please do, share it where ever you want to, the more people that see it the better.
Ah thank you very much for adding me
A pleasure! Hoping you will come to me with any further information you may have on epilepsy! Well done for doing the video! I love it! It explains the process so nice and easily for everyone! Let me know more about where you are studying and what you are studying for! Keep well and have a great week ahead!

Thank you very much, I'm so happy you like it, its so encouraging! , I'm studying in King's and am studying general medicine, so everything, ill hopefully specialize in surgery. I hope you have a great week ahead too!
Hi there, it will be great to have another Doctor or Surgeon! All the best with your studies!

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it
After 15 years I finally understand the different seizures thank you