Hi, I'm just after a bit of helpful advice about surgery. My epilepsy has been uncontrollable for the past 7years. The meds seemed to work for 5 years. And ever since, the Neurologists have suggested surgery. I have refused it and asked to keep trying the different meds. That isn't getting me far but I am just so scared of the surgery and what could happen.... anxiety!
I have obviously been reading the Epilepsy Research blogs all the time and see that there are a lot of things happening out there in regards to epilepsy all the time that improve surgery etc and am just biding my time. But things are changing for me in terms of age etc (40 in a fortnight 😭) and I just need some help in pushing down the surgery line in terms of statistics etc.
I dont really know what I'm asking for but could just do with talking to someone who's been down the surgery road.