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Someone to talk to and there thoughts. Epilepsy

Kendra99 profile image
15 Replies

So I feel down tonight but sometimes even though Im really close with my parents it’s hard to talk to them because yeh they will try and help and support me but they will never fully feel how I do so just looking for some company really. I do 2 days a week at dog grooming as it’s my dream I’ve been there a few months now and have achieved so much but some of the things I do are a task for me as my eyes lose focus on close up things like trimming paws and makes me feel like I’m going to pass out I also struggle with my memory wether that’s the epilepsy or medication I don’t know but it just gets worse as I get older even when though I’m only 19 but I feel as though I’m never going to achieve and become a dog groomer because of epilepsy and just feel useless and I’m scared that my memory is going to make me forget things that are important and that I need to get where I want to be in dog grooming I just don’t know what to do my heads all over the place and just want to cry.. any company would be a real help if anyone else has felt the same

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Kendra99 profile image
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15 Replies
SJClaverley profile image

Hi, what medication/s are you on & do they there job other than feeling crap? Have you spoken to your neurologist on how you are feeling & check if it is due to the side effects!

It’s taken 4-5 months for me to feel normal as can be under my new cocktail, concentration is harder.

Speak to someone friend or doctor, as feeling low is awful & can make one feel lonely & detached (I did).

You are only young, take care.


Kendra99 profile image
Kendra99 in reply to SJClaverley

I am on Keppra that was the first medication I ever got put on I got taken off it for a while from depression then got put back on it nearly a year ago for other reasons but I’ve genuinly been fine in myself it’s just sometimes I feel as tho talking to people who go through the same thing is better because they understand more but yes I do often speak to my mum about my issues or my best friend as we are really close but sometimes I just like to do this

Kendra x

SJClaverley profile image
SJClaverley in reply to Kendra99

Hi again, that’s my new one did find it very hard once in was in my system (1000 per day- lie) but things have settled, I’m also on Zonisamide & Clobazam.

Just been to a fitness class😊 have to keep toned as I’m 52 yr woman ! X. SJ

Kendra99 profile image
Kendra99 in reply to SJClaverley

Aww and I’m on 2500 daily but split morning and night and I’ve just started getting my fitness back on track aswell but I can’t do to much as it makes me feel faint like I’m going to have a fit so I always have to ask for a break before I carry on haha

Kendra x

SJClaverley profile image
SJClaverley in reply to Kendra99

Am on 1000 mg per day meant to say - low 😄. Split like you & the same for my others. All good fun. On the positive have been seizure free for 9 months !!! Do you find your muscles feel weak?

Started taking vitamin B12 to try & help with the fatigue, time will tell. X SJ

Kendra99 profile image
Kendra99 in reply to SJClaverley

Yes I do find my muscles feel week regular to be honest and lucky you for been fit free for that long I have them weekly. I also notice even though I don’t work everyday I’m always tired no matter what is that something you experience?

Kendra x

SJClaverley profile image
SJClaverley in reply to Kendra99

Feel like most things are an effort, definitely better after a fitness class or body balance (calming), we are all different!

Do you take any other medication?

Prior to Keppra I was on lamotrigine didn’t do anything for me but felt great 😊.


Kendra99 profile image
Kendra99 in reply to SJClaverley

Yes definitely but I always feel embarrassed to say I can’t do it I need a break because I feel like people don’t understand and they just think god she’s right unhealthy so that’s where my anxiety comes in but I only take the Keppra but have tried loads of others meds. I think the worst tablet I had that didn’t agree with me was lacosomide that made me act and feel drunk and one day it left me in bed where I couldn’t even pick up my phone or pick my body up like I was paralysed and couldn’t get help but when I did manage to get up I fell all the way down the stairs and I will never go on that medication again but like you say everyone reacts different to different things

Kendra x

SJClaverley profile image
SJClaverley in reply to Kendra99

That must have been scary been on those drugs! It might be worth speaking to your neurologist about your dosage & trying an additional drug, only a thought.

I fully understand the anxiety side that’s how I started on Clobazam, was having panic attacks not realising, which my local specialist prescribed & now addicted to them !! They do work as they are for epilepsy long term also anxiety short term use.

Do you have many friends that understand how you feel? Speak to them, when I was younger I didn’t but now we all talk about our issues.

No one is perfect. Take care


Kendra99 profile image
Kendra99 in reply to SJClaverley

I only talk to one of my friends as she is like my sister I trust her with my life and she always try’s to cheer me up no matter what but thank you for your help sj

Kendra x

SJClaverley profile image
SJClaverley in reply to Kendra99

Anytime, my name is Sarah X

Kendra99 profile image
Kendra99 in reply to SJClaverley

Nice talking to you Sarah and I’m glad it’s been helpful for you as well as you can gather my name is Kendra x

SJClaverley profile image
SJClaverley in reply to Kendra99

ps. Also its been helpful talking to you X

aflal profile image

Hi Kendra please follow my advice and let me know how you feel after one month your brain is made of fat about 98% so if you want a healthy brain what you should eat food high in fat so that’s why I always tell people who have epilepsy follow keto diet in a month you will feel much better you will start getting good sleep you will be happy because brain is not getting that right Fuel you could do your own research keto diet and epilepsy you type in this word you will get lots of information please feel free to ask me any question

Luckystay profile image
Luckystay in reply to aflal

Hi there, that is very sensible advice you have given. High and healthy fat diets are very good for your brain and body!