I have never written more truthful words. Sick to the back teeth of this. #epilepsy #awareness
Here I go into this haze,
Out into this blackouted gaze,
Don't know what I said,
Don't know if i'm dead
Don't know if i'll get out of this maze.
Back again into this pit,
Don't know when i'll come out of this fit.
Just know, when I do,
I may not recognise you,
I may seem fritghtened, confused for a bit.
Taken once more by surprise,
The headaches just waiting to rise.
Clung on like loose threads,
'Just keep taking your meds',
The next seizures just waiting to pries.
Have hope is what they will say,
A cure will be found someday.
I don't think that it will,
But in the hope still,
Have hope is what they will say.