I suffer fits cos of a brain tumour I had removed , I'm taking epilem , carbamzapine and keppra , any one else experience this ?
Epilepsy: I suffer fits cos of a brain... - Epilepsy Research...
Thank you , the opening part is the message ? To trust in my doctor .
Hi ya, I have temporal lobe epilepsy, and I was placed on Tegretol. This is the, controlled release version of carbamazepine. Those tablets caused a lot of side effects, and I managed to give them up, through my routine session at the gym. I am now on pregabalin, and they seem to be doing what I need, my absence seizures have pretty much gone. And the exercise has raised my confidence, and changed my life.
Hello i too had temporol lobe epilepsy i had tried various tablets with severe side effects or was pointless taking them currently still on tegretol prolong release and zonisamide even tho i had a temporol lobe lobectomy done 2yrs ago next month with no side effects these tablets work i am allergic to lamotrogine keppra clobozam epilim for me was like takin sweeties pointless i ended up going for surgery as my epilepsy was drug resistant nearly 2yrs seizure free
Hi Neil,
I have been on Carbamazapine for several years now and it works for me., together with Phenytoin. I was allergic to Epilim and I do believe that Keppra can cause behavioral changes in some individuals.
I went almost a year recently seizure free but regrettably had another bad seizure about 2 weeks ago. All medications have side effects but the 2 above have suited me well and I will not change onto anything else... Perhaps get a 2nd opinion or speak to your current Neurologist if you are not happy with the medication.
All the best and keep us posted.