I've been diagnosed with epilepsy 12 months ago and was put on epilim chrono. I've had 3 or 4 seizures since and I am wondering if the tablets are suiting me. Also can I travel alone if I have a medical bracelet on?
sljakeman1986: I've been diagnosed with... - Epilepsy Research...
See my answer (and the others) to this question, which is very similar to your first question. epilepsyresearchuk.healthun...
There is no reason why you shouldn't travel alone, in fact the reason for medical alert jewellery is to help people be more independent. If you know what triggers your seizures or if you get some warning before you have one then use this to inform you of when it is not safe to go out on your own. When my epilepsy was bad, I used to wear a dog tag around my neck with my name and "I am epileptic" written on it as well as my home phone number, so that if someone found me fitting or having had a fit, they could contact my family. Luckily it was never needed, though. Also take extra care in situations which could be potentially hazardous - don't walk right on the edge of the pavement next to the cars, don't linger at the top of steps, etc.
Hope you find a medication that suits you better soon
I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 16, and only found the correct medication at the age of 18/19. Three/four seizures in a year is not a bad record, but Epilim never suited me I must admit. I would never feel safe on that medication again.
Travelling alone is a different subject altogether... One can never know whether one is safe or not. As Amy has said, take extra care in situations which could be hazardous. When booking a flight, advise them you have epilepsy, and ensure you travel with enough medication to keep you going. Also, if travelling by plane, a doctor's letter is usually required, explaining your diagnosis and the medication you are currently taking.
Hopefully, a better medication will be found if you don't feel happy on the one you're taking... I currently take Carbamazapine and Phenytoin and won't change now after all these years on it.
AmyBadd I don't know what triggers my seizures but I do take extra precautions like crossing the road or going down the stairs. I don't have a shower or bath alone. I'm going to see my neurologist on Thursday and hopefully he'll put me on something else more suitable! This epilum is making me tired and weak and have headaches. What do I puit on a meditag? Lesmal do you get tired and weak on Carbamazapine and Phenytoin?
Sljakeman1986, Carbamazapine and Phenytoin have done me well and still continue to control my epilepsy... Tiredness and weakness hit me sometime ago which I put down to both drugs, but the doctor has now put me on one Vitamin B Forte tablet daily, which I've been taking for 2 months... A great improvement to energy level. Carbamazapine can lead to small memory loss, but I'd rather lose my memory than have the seizures... I also wear a Medic Alert bracelet, with wording "Grand Mal Epilepsy: On Medication" (reference your query on a Meditag). Medic Alert cards are carried in my purse, which give more detail of medication taken and contact telephone numbers.
where do i get a medic alert card from? glad you're better
I think Epilepsy Action have some wallet sized ones. Always good to get a bracelet or necklace/dog tag. There is also a smartwatch seizure alert monitor that can be purchases at a price.... this works alongside a smart phone for contacting people on your behalf by mobile if it detects you having a seizure. Google epilepsy smart-monitor.
It can take years to find the right medication and the right dose. 4 years on we are still trying to achieve this for my son.
Travel with reasonable precautions in place, take more than enough medication and enjoy life!
I've finally got a bracelet with medical details on thanks but going to get some wallet sized ones as well I think cant be too sure but thanks for the advice